2012-04-16 00:07:24米蘭妲

Give me a hint, my dear

On Easter night, after coming home from church late.
The young couple were talking in bed.

"Do you think I am too hard on kids? I think I was too hard on kids lately. I wish I could be nicer to them. I think we should do something about it." Wife said.

"Well, How about that, when you start getting mad, I'll ask you "How's the weather today?", you can answer "Quack!", sounds ok?" Husband kidding around said.
(See the story about "Farmer Duck".)

"Ha! Say something seriously!!! Maybe you can give me a hint" Wife said.

"A hint? touch my nose? or ears? or eyes? or I could pat your back, oh no, you hate that!! How about hold your hand? Oh no, what if you are too far away from me?" Husband kept murmuring on and on.

"Maybe you could just ask me "How's the weather?" and give me some positive hints, like the weather is very warm and dry, not cold and wet, or something like that. You know what I mean!" Wife said.

The next morning, having breakfast in dinning room.
The mother of two kids was trying to get their daughter eat her food.

Husband giggled and asked his wife "How's the weather today?"
"What?" Wife said.
"The weather is warm and nice today!" Husband said with wicked smile.
"What are you talking about?" Wife got confused.
"Ha I just need some practice!!" laughed the husband.
"Well, ...." Wife said.

Later on, their daughter started playing around her food.
Husband took a bag of Comfort Tea to show his wife and pointed their daughter.
"What?" Wife asked,
Husband gave Wife a look and pointed the tea bag and their daughter again.
Wife got puzzled.
She looked at the tea bag, thought "Comfort Tea..., is it a hint?".
She yelled "But I didn't do anything?"

Husband burst out laughing,
said "I just want to ask you if she can have some tea, my dear!"