2006-07-13 12:31:25Australian

Costello goes quiet on leadership

Thursday Jul 13 13:01 AEST

Treasurer Peter Costello has finally decided to stop talking about the leadership - refusing to answer questions about it at a press conference in Melbourne.

Two days after telling Mr Howard to stand aside by Christmas, Mr Costello said he had answered all questions fully over the past three days and had nothing more to add.

"Over the last three days, in press conferences all over the country, I have answered every question that every journalist has wanted to put to me, and I have given you full and frank disclosure," Mr Costello told reporters.

"And there’s no point in repeating it on a daily basis."

Asked again about the leadership, Mr Costello said "I don’t know if you heard my previous answer" and repeated his answer - four times.

It’s a tactic borrowed from the prime minister - who consistently answers questions about his future by repeating the line: "I will stay for as long as my party wants me to and it is in the best interests of my party that I do."

Mr Costello sparked the leadership tensions on Monday when he accused Mr Howard of breaking a December 1994 promise to hand over the leadership midway through his second term in office.

Now he’s saying he has decided not to answer any more questions about the issue.

"The world moves on. You don’t go over the same ground day after day after day," Mr Costello said.

Mr Howard earlier warned that he would not be "pressured or stampeded" into making a decision.

But, asked if it would be best for all concerned if Mr Howard was clear about his intentions, Mr Costello indicated that an announcement might be on the way.

"He has indicated that he is going to consider that and he is going to make a statement and that’s a matter for him," Mr Costello said.

"There’s indications today as to when that might be. And when we know what that is it will be an appropriate time to respond."

©AAP 2006