2006-06-29 15:46:00曼陀鈴


這是翻譯的盜賊練等的天賦點法,翻譯的好不好還請大家指教了。小道消息,1.12版盜賊會改版,那個時候盜賊的天賦可能會免費洗點,這個指南只適用於目前1.11 or 1.10(玩不到了)版。
魔獸世界電子報(點這裡) 也有一篇關於盜賊的升級點法,裡面有些說明錯誤,自己去訂正。電子報裡3系都用,比較偏向用潛行的偷偷來,在背地裡放冷箭。


為什麼是戰鬥?爲了點出...還擊還擊可以增加額外的150%武器傷害,還可以使你的對手繳械6秒。這意味著怪物對你的傷害會減低,也表示你可以 減少因為必須回血而休息的時間。雖然你無法對野獸和沒有攜帶武器的怪物繳械,還是可以對它們造成額外的傷害。而且還擊只需要10點的能量,值得投資在這個天賦上。





沒錯,就是劍類武器專精。我發現種田/練等和後期的副本單手劍較匕首來的有用,PVP戰鬥時匕首則佔優勢。當我提出劍類武器專精時,公會裡的盜賊都嘲笑我。等我的傷害輸出高過他們之後,換我大笑了。最讓人興奮的莫過於看到你的劍連續發動3次攻擊(劍類武器專精5/5: 使你在用劍類武器擊中敵人後有6%的機率進行一次額外的攻擊 )有一點你必須知道的,我只下後期的副本,從沒有去過戰場。所以,如果你需要有點不一樣,你可以使用匕首來成為瞬間傷害王。

Good day



實際玩起來,改成戰鬥賊後,戰鬥力真的提高不少。尤其還擊和劍刃亂舞, 當被3之同等怪圍毆時,常常還可以從容不迫的化解危機。只是半年沒玩了,因為改版,一上線才發現天賦都沒點了。1.12版的盜賊天賦有什麼不一樣,還沒研究。還有抱歉了,改了天賦後上面幾個連結都無法對應了。當初沒有貼圖,真是抱歉。

==> 原文

I have read and posted alot of guides for several classes but too much reading can make one lose interest so I will make this as brief as possible. An introduction is in order I suppose.
Hello and welcome to the sometimes sneaky (thx to recent patches stealth has been twitchy >_<) and always fun to play class known as the Rogue. I will provide a short guide to leveling and talent builds you should use for optimum leveling efficiency.
In comparison to other fast leveling classes the Rogue comes in third. The first being Warlock and second being Hunter.

We will begin at level 20 as that is where your talent tree begins to take shape. When leveling you should be using the Combat Talent tree. Your build should look like this at level 20:

Why combat you ask? One word.. Riposte. It is one of the most useful abilities in your rogue arsenal. Not only does it give you an extra attack that deals 150% weapon damage but it also disarms your opponent which means that not only is the mob doing less damage, but because of that you will have less downtime due to healing. Note that even though you can use Riposte on beasts and other mobs that do not carry a weapon, even though they will not be disarmed they will still take the damage. For the low cost of 10 energy Riposte is well worth it.

A quick look at the other abilities you will have:
-Improved Gouge gives you 1.5 seconds more stun time which means three things..
1) 1.5 more seconds to bandage yourself
2) 1.5 more seconds of energy regeneration
3) 1.5 more seconds to get out of combat to re-stealth and perform another stealthed attack to your opponent

-Improved Sinister Strike saves 5 energy everytime you use it. That 5 extra energy will sometimes be the deciding factor in a fight.. well.. when it adds up that is.

Now for your talent tree at level 30:

Yet another reason why the Combat Talent Tree is the fastest for leveling. Blade Flurry. Not only does it increase your attack speed by 20% but it also allows you to strike two opponents at the same time. But wait theres a kicker! Unlike most of the other Rogue abilities Blade Flurry has a cool down of only two minutes. With Blade Flurry it is possible to kill between 3 to 5 mobs in one fight, well, utilizing evasion of course. Talk about efficiency.

If you look at my talent build you will notice that I have not put points into Dagger Specialization and instead put them into Dual Wield Specialization. There's a reason for this of course and I will explain myself as we move to the level 40 talent build:

That's right, Sword Specialization. I have found that when grinding/leveling and more importantly end-game instancing that swords are far superior to daggers, however when PvPing, daggers take the cake. I was laughed at by my fellow guildie rogues when I proposed Sword Specialization back in the day but after I was out-DPSing them I was the one laughing. There's nothing better than watching your sword proc off of itself three times in a row. You must know that I only run end-game now and never go into BG's so if you want a little more flexibility then you should use daggers as burst-damage is king.

Well I'll stop there for now cause I have to get back to work. If you would like a more detailed guide please post here and I will answer any questions you might have.
Good day


愛撒嬌的貓兒 2006-08-30 22:44:00

原本是.戒律24/神聖24/暗影3....後來洗成....主戒律31/副神聖20...終於有少趴一點...不過還是被嫌棄ㄌ....因為補血量不夠大.........對ㄌ.我的ID是...."藍色蝴蝶貓" 有遇到我...要照顧我喔..^^我想你的等級一定比我高ㄌ..^^說定啦!!