2014-09-21 06:23:22美萱妍面膜


美萱妍 花漾亮顏魅力組 (進口隱形蠶絲面膜)

Brilliant Glamor Flower Set  (Imported invisible silk mask)

  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 玻尿酸密集保湿面膜 Hyaluronan Moisturising Mask
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 珍珠粉嫩白雪肌面膜 Pearl Powder Snowy Mask
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 淨化調理毛孔細緻面膜 Skin Clarifying Tighten Pores Mask
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 雪蓮微量元素水嫩面膜 Smallanthus Rejuvenation Mask
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 燕窩珍珠凍齡亮澤面膜 Swiftlet Nest Pearl Anti-Aging Mask
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 蝸牛玫瑰嫩白修復面膜 Snail Rose Bright Repair Mask


  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 玻尿酸密集保湿面膜 Hyaluronan Moisturising Mask
  1. 高效鎖水 High-performing lock moisture
  2. 保濕潤澤 Moisturizing
  3. 白皙亮澤 Bright & Shining
  4. 均勻膚色 Even Complexion
  5. 改善粗糙、缺水 Polish up rough and dried skins
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 珍珠粉嫩白雪肌面膜 Pearl Powder Snowy Mask
  1. 淨白柔嫩 Bright & Tender Soft
  2. 保濕潤澤 Moisturizing
  3. 均勻膚色 Even Complexion
  4. 延緩衰老 Prevent Aging
  5. 彈力透亮 Keep Elasticity & Brightening
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 淨化調理毛孔細緻面膜 Skin Clarifying Tighten Pores Mask
  1. 舒緩調理 Soothing & Balances oil
  2. 清潔毛孔 Clean pores
  3. 保濕亮澤 Moisturizing & Shining
  4. 保持彈性 Maintain Elasticity
  5. 改善黯沉、乾糙 Improve dull & rough skin
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 雪蓮微量元素水嫩面膜 Smallanthus Rejuvenation Mask
  1. 保濕淨白 Moisturizing & Bright
  2. 亮澤修護 Shining & Repair skin
  3. 平滑柔嫩 Smoothening & Delicate
  4. 抗衰老 Anti-Aging
  5. 改善黯沉、粗糙 Improve dull & rough skin
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 燕窩珍珠凍齡亮澤面膜 Swiftlet Nest Pearl Anti-Aging Mask
  1. 預防老化 Prevent Aging
  2. 彈力緊實 Keep Elasticity & Tightening
  3. 保濕亮白 Moisturizing & Bright
  4. 平滑柔嫩 Smoothening & Delicate
  5. 改善粗糙、缺水Polish up rough and dried skins
  • 美萱妍 隱形蠶絲面膜 蝸牛玫瑰嫩白修復面膜 Snail Rose Bright Repair Mask
  1. 修護舒緩 Repair & Soothing skin
  2. 白皙亮澤 Bright & Shining
  3. 緊致毛孔 Tighten pores
  4. 保濕潤澤 Moisturizing
  5. 改善黯沉、粗糙 Improve dull & rough skin


Suitable skin type: All types of skin

Directions: After cleansing torn package was removed and covered with pearl film torn off after expansion, adjust appropriate location and then tear the outer green lining. Deposited with about 15-30 minutes to remove the mask with water after clean, then follow the routine maintenance program that will lock in the skin moisturizing ingredients.


Validity: 3 years

Origin: Taiwan

Material: Invisible Silk (import mask material VICERAL X SILK 3%)

Health Ministry makeup wide No. 10304001

Factory registration: 99-677026-01

This product has passed ISO 9001 international certification specializing in manufacturing

This product inspection and testing by SGS International Certification Identification



◎ Storage: Please store in a cool and dry place

◎ Avoid if it gets into eyes, please rinse with water.

◎ When use if skin irritation occurs, discontinue use and contact skin specialist.

◎ This is a private consumables, in addition to the defective product itself leakage before processing Returns. Be sure to attach back to the original intact when return merchandise, gifts, packaging carton are complete.

◎ been opened or used, or unable to restitution, or damaged merchandise carton etc. I am afraid can not handle the return.


產 地:台灣

材 質:隱形蠶絲 (進口Materials面膜材質VICERAL X SILK 3%)



本產品通過 ISO 9001國際認證專業製造

本產品通過 SGS 國際認證檢驗測試鑑定






  • 產品經品質檢測合格,請避免使用於傷口、紅腫及濕疹等皮膚異常部位。
  • 初次使用或敏感性肌膚者,請在使用前先於局部肌膚試用,確定無過敏反應再於全臉使用。若出現異常紅腫,請立即停止使用,並盡快就醫。
  • 保養品非醫療手術無法達到立即見效,建議長期使用能改善膚況。
  • 保養品的選擇因個人膚質膚況而不同,不同的季節、年齡及肌膚狀況,建議要適時調整,也可先諮詢皮膚科醫師。
  • 面膜為一次性產品,請勿重複使用。
  • 產品拆封之後,請盡速使用完畢,以確保產品品質。
  • 產品請置於陰涼處,避免陽光照射。
  • 請置於孩童拿不到的地方,本產品不可食用。



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