2009-04-02 18:38:30 落葉之楓

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Cartoons could help spot autism 卡通有助發現自閉症

【在生活中學習語言】《中英對照讀新聞》Cartoons could help spot autism 卡通有助發現自閉症


Watching how a toddler responds to animations could help diagnose autism, research has suggested.


Babies usually start paying attention to movement soon after birth, and pick up information from the cues they see but children with autism often do not.


A study, published in Nature, where two-year-olds were shown manipulated animations found those with autism focussed on movement linked to sound.


In the Yale study, researchers created five versions of animated children’s games, each with sound. On the other half of the screen, the same animation was presented upside down and in reverse, but with the same audio as the upright version.


Previous studies have shown that, normally, children’s attention is drawn to such changes from around eight months old.


Twenty-one toddlers with autistic-spectrum disorders (ASD), 39 who were developing normally and 16 who had developmental problems but did not have autism were studied.


Both the toddlers who were developing normally and those with developmental problems showed a clear preference for looking at the upright animations. However the toddlers with ASD showed no preference and looked backwards and forwards between the two halves of the screen.



spot:動詞,找到、發現。例句:If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with a pencil.(如果你在文章裡發現錯誤,就用鉛筆畫出來。)


backwards and forwards :片語,來回地。例句:Paul paced anxiously backwards and forwards.(保羅緊張地來回踱步。)


