2006-04-04 22:56:40黃色鴨子

Late shift

Hey friends,

Yes as you can see I am typing in English,
and that means I am now at work.

Hate to say that I dislike ppl listen to my conversations while working.
If a made a mistakes, they will yell out loud of the answer while if I did sth stupid, they will teas me.

Cant help it tho as when you are on the phone, you cant actually control what others are hearing...I guess I should just adjust my voice as low as possible.

Today feels like a good day, but just very busy.
It even went out of control at around 1900 tonight.
Could not help it but got commons from callers saying that how terrible..

Tomorrow is my last day of my late shift period~~ so glad.

but the day after will be my first day working in early shift.
I wonder....
