2007-01-16 07:36:22據點兵長鴨仔


由費城搬到波士頓快一個月,生活總算安頓好,新學校(Salem State College)的事宜亦弄妥了,接著就是選科。



Mathematics - Calculus I (Major Requirement)
Philosophy - Principles Of Logic (Free Elective)
History - History World Civilization II (General Requirement)
English - Composition I (General Requirement)



後話:數學教授名字叫Kenny Ching(程Sir!?),應該是華裔人吧,不知道懂不懂廣東話呢?
Music currently listening:
Here Come the Warm Jets (1974) by Eno
Book currently reading:
Ashley Cole: My Defence (2006) by Ashley Cole with Steve Dennis
Game currently playing:
Worldwide Soccer Manager 2007 by Sega of America, Inc.
(悄悄話) 2007-01-18 11:50:13
handsome jeff 2007-01-16 11:44:23

first time to leave msg here! just read about you hesitate when choosing to study political science or not. If i didnt take a wrong guess, things are not as difficult as you imagine if it is a introduction course only: i took the intro to political science in sem 1 in HKU SPACE, and the things I studied are about demorcracy, electoral system, political executieve (e.g. presidential and parliamentary system), etc. It aims at providing you a basic concept of politics, and they are not really difficult put you put your heart on them. Just check out if the course contents are the same as what I have mentioned. If it is, I strongly recommend you to take it in the next sem as I believe you could handle it well since you have the ciritcal thinking that it is asking for! trust me! goodluck, jeff tam tsun hei