2012-11-13 08:46:33林三博

Thunder in Taiwan

                 Thunder in Taiwan

~ Marianne Lin ~


You ask me, "What is Taiwan ? "

I ask the sky, and the sky doesn't answer.

Taiwan seems like the pronom of some people!

Taiwan is torn apart by uncontrolled people.

All of a sudden, a gentle voice comes from the sky :

Taiwan isn't called, "Taiwanese", it isn't called "provincian".

Then how to call Taiwan ?

Taiwan's real name is called "Life's Community".


The thunder is a "monster". 

The thunder is "covered all over with cuts and bruises."

The thunder is "The origin of blood debts."

"Without shiver, cold, and fear, how to smell the sweet aroma of the plum blossom!?"

People usually console me and say, "The Deity is going to pay great due to this person, the first to toil his mentality, exhaust his bones and muscles, hunger his body, leave himself empty, disturb his will. Therefore his mind is perturbed, he has endured his stubborn character,and gained his scanty." It has already been eight years since I’ve come back to Taiwan. I always feel the pain in my heart, I've never alleviated my suffering.



1. President Lee Deng-Hue and the First Lady Tzen Wen-Hue (May 20, 2006).

2. Marianne Lin's Mother (Madam He Wün-Jiao): September 5, 2007 (Lunar calendar : July 24, 2007) Mother's birthday.

3. Marianne Lin's Election of Legislator in December, 2004.

4. Legislator's Election on the 27th November in 2004, Marianne Lin was attacked by two wolfhounds while campaigning on the Lao-Mei street in Shimen.

5. Marianne Lin’s wounds needed in 22 needles.

6. Marianne Lin's Election of County's Members in October, 2005.

7. Group pictures :

  Lin Chen-Siang, my father, Chwei-Young Primary School's Teacher in Chiayi  

    1945-1988 ; 1st line, right 3.

  Yeh Chuan-Hong, my husband, Aletheia University, Department of Tourism        

    Professor ; 2nd line, right 1.

  Marianne Lin, General Education Department Professor in Aletheia University ;

    1st line, right 2.

  Lin Shuin, Eldest brother, Teacher/Professor/Calligraphy Artist ; 1st, left 2.

  Ro Chuong-Inn, Eldest sister-in-law, Tamsui Primary School's Teacher in  

    Taipei ; 1st line, right 1.

  Lin Fong, Elder brother, Pastor/Doctor ; 1st line, right 3.

  Lin Hong, Youngest brother, Vice General Manager ; 2nd line, right 2.

  Yeh Neng-Tze, Aletheia University Principal ; 1st line, right 5.

  President of Zuen-Chuei Grand Restaurant on the 2nd line, left 1.

  Lin Hong, Vice General Manager on the 1st line, left 1.

8. Marianne Lin’s Summer vacation’s study in Potsdam in Berlin of Germany

  in July, 2002.

9. Marianne Lin’s Summer vacation’s study in Saint Petersbourg in September,


10. Marianne Lin and Taipei University Principal Lee Cheng-Sin on the 19th   

   December, 2003.

11. Marianne Lin and Taipei University Students on the 27th February, 2004.

12. Marianne Lin and Aletheia University Students in May, 2005.

13. Marianne Lin and Aletheia University Students on the 8th April, 2006.

14. Marianne Lin and Fu-Jen University Students on the 17th October 17, 2005.

15. Aletheia University Athletic Party :

   Marianne Lin and General Education Department :

   Professor Chen Li-Fu, 2nd line, right 1 ;

   Professor He Hua Kue, 1st line, right 3 ;

   Professor Liu Ya-Lan, 1st line, right 2 ;

   Professor Huang Li-Zong, 1st line, right 1 (December 12th, 2005).

16. Marianne Lin and Chang-Gen University’s Medicine Department’s students   

   (December 15th, 2005).

17. Marianne Lin and Chang-Gen University’s Medicine Department’s students in

   "Western Historical Analysis in Personnage" (December 25th, 2005).

18. Marianne Lin, Father Zsoldos (Nobel Prize in Litterature was nominated for

   election) and French Friends, March 21th in 2006.

19. Marianne Lin asked Pre-President Lee Deng-huei about "University’s students’ graduation’s professional problems." And Pre-President Lee answers, "University’s students are so young and strong to work. It is important to plan and to work hard for Universitys’ students. They oughts to have enough superiorities and wisdoms to resolve their professional’s problems. Above all, that is old man’s problems. How to develop the retirement people to search for the other profession’s career ? And old man’s the protection in their health etc., there are important to us. " (December 24th, 2003)








Table of contents


Professor Zsoldos Imre : The English Poetry and the Chinese Poetry in "Thunder in Taiwan".

Chapiter I The crisis of March in 1996.

I. All Taiwanese Parties regard President Lee

Deng-Huei as taking all obligations during the crisis in March.

II. I’ve written a letter to the Chairman of Peoples Republic of China Jiang Zhe-Ming.

1.The death of a student – Chen Guang-xu at Wan Neng Senior High School of Industry and Commerce.

2.A Japanese female student committed suicide in the "Palace of Women" (Palais de la Femme) Dormitory.

3.I fell down on the snow ground in Paris.

4.I’ve written a letter to Chairman Jiang Zhe-Ming to save the Chinese People from corruption.

Chapiter II. French President Jacques Chirac poisoned me the first time.

I.The fuse of Jacques Chirac poisoned me.

II.The accident the ninth May.

1.The French start work in my television.

2.French television introduces me.

3.Strange television programand stike my wall’s sound.

4.Lee Mei-kwei and Jacques Chirac betray Taiwan.

5.Misery knocks me.

III. French President poisoned me the first time prelude.

1. Academician Pierre Bourdieu shakes hands.

2. My sculpture in the show window.

3.Merryl Simonnet’s mother said, "Marianne Lin betrays France."  

IV. The 11th May President Jacques Chirac 1st time’s poisoned me in 1998.

V.After the 1st Poison

1.I speak the number, and the persons get prize in Television program.

2.Somebody destries my computer and yellow gas enter my room.

3. The French is afraid of collars.

4. The scilence in storm in Paris.

5. My bookshef was started work.

6. Dream’s strange image and alive from death.