2006-06-13 13:41:15*我是你

It should be Fun

It should be fun ,after all those days gone and these things happened ....

havent login to this site for a while , sometimes I’ll just login once a month and posting no new article .just wanna take a look of the old past days.how I’ve been going through all that before.

gonna have our 1st anniversiry sinve we got married.It’s really intersting to look back.I’be been so sad for him and wish I could stay together with him . Now , like all the fairy tale , I’m someone’s wife ,but am I happy , I asked my self.

No one’s satisfiing with its own position. We always think we’re unhappy and wanna have somebody else’s life.but we can’ , even if we can live other’s life , we wont be happy .It’s really something need time to prove the fact.

I’m not too happy but I’m not unhappy.
Just I finally realized that everyone who has tough days, not just you and me . bad things really happens some day some where somehow to someone ,he/she may loose his/her job . loose somebody who’s close . unhealthy or what else.you just have to be positive ,have faith to deal with and think everything will getting better.

I dont really know what I’m talking about , guess it’s just something go through my mind and I wanna keep it down.Maybe some days after , when I re login again , I’ll think I was sill to do so .but nobody knows it ,there’s always better tomorrow , and the sunshine will come from the east ....Just a maybe.

Try to stay alive though.....