2002-05-02 02:54:26Tracy

A walk to Remember-----留住一片情

『A Walk to Remember』(暫譯:留住一片情)這部片是由Mandy Moore(曼蒂魔兒)、Shane West領銜主演,今年(2002)1月在美國上映,台灣則是遙遙無期,我想最終會直接出DVD、VCD、跟VHS吧!=_=
會注意到這部電影,主要是因為Mandy Moore是女主角的關係。雖然,我並沒有特別注意她,不過,由於聽過她幾首歌,覺得她的聲音乾淨清亮,歌曲方向雖走的是流行取向,但是聽起來倒是頗為舒服。老實說,我覺得她的歌勝過一些喜以嘶吼為主的西洋小天后們(純粹個人觀點)。
In places no one would find
All your feelings so deep inside
It was then that I realized that forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry

之後,便注意到『A Walk to Remember』是她第一部領銜主演的電影,『Cry』更是此部電影的主題曲。看了『Cry』的MTV後,對這部電影的興趣大增。片子裡頭的Mandy,造型淳樸,完全是個清秀的小鎮姑娘,跟她在歌手身份時的亮麗外型有很大的差距。
至於男主角Shane West,我就不很清楚了,不過,前陣子,HBO有播出他主演的YA片『Whatever It Takes』(痞子把辣妹),還有我去IMDB查的他的演出年表,他還有演『Get Over It』(失戀大不同)、客串『Ocean’s 11』(瞞天過海)等片,是一個蠻常演YA片的青春小生。
這部片主要是設定在1950年代的美國小鎮,男主角於現在回憶著過去的青春戀曲,劇情算是部文藝的YA片,也還蠻清楚好懂的。不過,我倒是看的蠻痛苦的,因為是抓無字幕版本搶先試看,畫質差,又沒什麼音效,所以,如果DVD出來了,在去租來看吧!但老實說,這部片看到最後,我自己覺得頗有『愛在地球盡頭』(Here on Earth)的感覺,可能是中後段的劇情所致吧!

最後獻上一首『Only Hope』,這首歌是Mandy在電影裡穿著美美的衣服表演戲劇時唱的喔!

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over, and over again.
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over, and over, and over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray.
To be only yours I pray.
To be only yours.
I know now, you're my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing, and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far.
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray.
To be only yours I pray.
To be only yours.
I know now, you're my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I'm givin' you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am.
At the top of my lungs, I'm givin' it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hand and pray.
To be only yours I pray.
To be only yours I pray.
To be only yours.
I know now, you're my only hope.