2008-03-01 14:22:24Yvette




Fortunately 2008-03-02 12:12:09

I live far from that Germany school, otherwise I have to hide tightly from the persuasion.

To Sid 2008-03-02 11:27:54

Yes, it is a chance to take a glimpse of THAT academic atmosphere which turns more and more practical. To cope with you. Indeed! Fairies coming from nowhere usually appear to rescue a &quotdope&quot while they know the perfect moment to wave their wands and grant wishes.

Maybe we can persuade Ernest, Margaret, Stella, Elizabeth, Katherine, Eunice and Alice to come too? After all, it is not far away from their homes.

Sid 2008-03-01 23:15:58

I`m in, I hope.
And would a rope
Be thrown to cope
With Me, a dope
Who kneels for lope?