2021-10-29 06:38:02PChome書店


作者:蔡沅達 出版社:圓神 出版日期:2021-11-01 00:00:00


☆ 19幅來自內心深處的畫作,傳遞無法言說的思緒……




Chapter 1 序言與專訪 FOREWORD & INTERVIEW
01. Dr.Chen 的話——陳總顧問 Foreword by Dr.Chen – Consultant Chen
02.輔導與心理治療師的話——郭素珍 Foreword by Counsellor & Psychotherapist – Vanessa Keh
03.媽媽的話——郭素珍 Foreword by Taro's Mother – Vanessa Keh
04.諮商心理師的話——呂仁捷 Foreword by Psychologist – Lu Renjie
05.專訪——陳心怡 Interview – Chen Hsinyi
系列一:感受 FEELING
01.痛 Pain
02.痛的框架 Frame of Pain
03.風的效應 Tripple Wind
04.意識的擴張 Expansion of Consciouness
05.存在 Existence
06.心碎 Heart Break
系列二:大洞 BIG HOLE
01.虛空 The Void
系列三:通道 PATH
01.門(屏障) Gates
02.深入 Deeper
03.開門 Opening
04.通道(路徑) The Path
01.眼睛 Eyes
02.敞開的門 The Door of Open
03.悲傷 Sadness
04.從不孤單 Never Alone
01.童年 Childhood
02.諒解 Understanding
03.結論 Conclusion
04.笑一笑 Just Smile
Chapter 3 後記 EPILOGUE
01.沅達小語 Taro Chua's Words
02.爸爸的祝福 Blessings from Taro's Dad


蔡沅達Taro Chua
2003年10月4日新加坡出生。小學時,就喜歡自己畫畫。偶然,一次媽媽與阿姨們的小爭執中,發現在一旁觀察的沅達,竟能透過畫圖表達那些無法用言語說出來的感受;其後,在Dr. Chen的引導和鼓勵下,開始透過繪畫展開心靈探索之旅。




01.Dr. Chen的話
「陳主任」「陳老師」「Dr. Chen」哈哈哈!其實與大家分享,至今沅達從未這樣在我面前稱呼過,但孩子卻十分清楚知道我是誰哦!「內心藏著5個不一樣的他」是孩子不經意具體透露出來的,他想著應該要好好面對及整合自己的時刻到了,尤其孩子總是怒目口頭禪說著:「媽媽很笨!」原來這一切都是愛的保護!從小恐懼自己被霸凌,更害怕媽媽被欺負啊!外面環境的陌生人也不安全呀!
2021.08.09 筆於臺灣立秋時分

01.Dr. Chen Prologue
Memories are like a series of doors, one after another. There are bound to have some who proclaimed that they have forgotten most of their childhood memories, as if that precious piece of growing up process were being shut off. It is like slowly shutting off the windows, one by one. The door to the heart also unknowingly followed the doors and windows in shutting off.
Allow time to return to 2017, a world famous, small and refine, beautiful and green city [Singapore], where a chance encounter met a chance acquaintance. [Taro Chua] was a 15 year old boy, shy, innocent and kind. His eyes were big but were bloodshot, and he was straightforward in his speech. At the moment when he first blurted out: “I am so tired!”, I felt that there was a huge and long accumulated ounce of energy in him, suppressed by rage and no way to release.What happened to this boy? How can the contrast be so drastic?
From my past 20 over years of experience in youth counselling, I reckon that he must have experienced some matters of grave difficulties or an extension of a story of the same.[Taro Chua], his parents divorced due to incompatibility when he was 3 years old. The mother was a strong headed woman whereas the father was more sensible and gentle.Oh, child! There goes to the shutting of the first door to the heart as if you have caged yourself in the darkest levels of the ivory tower, imprisoning the shy, genuine, kind-hearted and beautiful pure soul of a child.
Fast forward the time to the present year 2021, I am looking at the first draft of [Taro]’s album. Taro is the only child without any siblings. He lived with his dad after the parents’ divorce, and fortunately, his mom was always there for him.Whatever it is? What is in the adult’s emotional world? How can it be in this way? What about me?
Time flies like an arrow, age is like a shuttle, but the days surrounding this child were long and slow. The drive to go and learn in school was obstructed by the conflict and unfriendly environment.
[Once more, I suppressed the rage in me.][Nobody can ever bully me again]
The internet world is able to help me to reconstruct this world, as if this new concept, knowledge and point of view were being ignited one by one. In 2017, he opened the first door, for himself.
[HOD Chen, Teacher Chen, Dr Chen]Hahaha! Just to share with you, although Taro has never address me with any of the aforesaid titles, he is very sure [who I am!][The hidden 5 different identities in his inner world] was not easily revealed by him. He reckon that it was time for him to address and integrate himself. Particularly, the child’s angry look together with his mantra of “Mother is so stupid!” was in fact a form of protection out of love. He was afraid of being bullied since young, hence was even more fearful for his mom being bullied!
Strangers from the external environment were not safe also. Hence unknowingly the name of the album [Mom! Please see me!] has gained deeper connection to the consciousness.It then brought about [my parents will be okay when I turned 20].The child is in the midst of continuous transformation and integration! Just like the caterpillar ready to break free from its cocoon to become a colourful butterfly!That is the strongest anticipation and hope of the future the child has granted himself. The 20 year old me! I have grown and am mature. I can start to spread my wings and soar! Dad and mom, you need not worry about me anymore!
Refocusing on Taro’s album of 19 art pieces, this is the resulting fusion of a caring child’s sponsorship of a few art pieces for charity sales during the opening ceremony of [Sumari Sage Tree – Jia You Zhan].The series are as follows: [series 1: Feeling], [series 2: Big Hole], [Series 3: Path], [Series 4: Sadness Path] and [Series 5: Happiness Path]More in particular, each series contains the author’s feelings towards the infinity of life and deep realization.
For example,
1. Feeling: Listening to your inner voice
2. Big Hole: Encountering the darkness and fear
3. Path: Passage of the soul, turning point of life
4. Sadness Path: Traversing the darkness, regathering of power
5. Happiness Path: Connecting to infinite possibilities
In this album of 19 art pieces, what kind of world does the author Taro wants to lead us adults into? Let us discover by relaxing ourselves and enter into the inner world of a child with joy.
Lastly, I want to share again, as a role of an adult, children has always been the best gift in life. They are as clear as a sparkling mirror, anticipating what we adult can glimpse from it.
At this juncture came a message from within, I wish to tell the child: Dear Taro, you are the best!”
Penned on 9th August 2021, Beginning of Autumn, Taiwan