2007-11-12 05:50:35Kaya

Pleasant time

Havent updated for a long time...getting lazy again....

My parents and my grandma came to LA to visit for 2 weeks
(actually barely 2 weeks,it’s like only 10 days!!>.<),
but it’s always better than nth!!^O^
We’ve done alot during these times,we’ve been to San Diego,Morongo,
they’ve also joined the Mexico trip.
We even took CUE! pictures together,
that was just a funny experience with them,
I think the last time we took those pics was at least 5 yrs ago!
These 10 days were just amazing!
We took lots of picture,basically every single day!

I m really happy and excited to see them again!
Although it’s been only less than a year ever since we last met,
I didnt really know I missed them that much until I saw them,
and yesterday they just left U.S.,
when I saw them entered the gate,
I could barely hold my tears!
The path back to my car was so long....
my heart was really ”sour” at that moment!
Eventually I just released my tears...freely.
And Now they’ve already arrived home safely ,
I am really glad that we had such a great moment!

I’ve noticed that the way I express my feelings to them is different from b4,
I would like to hug them,kiss them whenever I want!
but I dont think I will do the same thing when I was/am in HK,
I believe people may just look at me with a weird face,ha~
I think tat’s all about the cultural difference,
but I know it’s gonna be a good influence on us!~^.^~

Dad,Mom,Grandma: I MISS ALL OF YOU!^O^