2008-03-25 03:19:36ArJoE

An unforgettable week

March 23rd, 2008 Rainy
This diary is being written on my way back to Embry Riddle, Prescott, Arizona.

Last week was my semester break, and I planned to go New York at the very beginning of this year. However, I had changed my mind after February. I went back to my old apartment in Everett to visit my girl friend. As I mention, it was a combination of thousand of coincident which brought us together. Thus, I was not expected to be in Seattle, Washington for the previous week.

The previous week could consider to be a week of failure for me. I failed to give surprises to my girl. I could say, I am good at telling lies. However, I could not lie in front of Jenny. I become awkward when I try to make a plan to surprise her. I was trying to cheat her that I would come back a day later that the actually day, thus I can wait for her outside Boeing. However, my postcard had arrived one day earlier that what I was expected, which resulted a fail on my biggest plan. Anyway, we did have a wonderful time, and she is satisfied with the itinerary, which is the greatest news for me.

How romantics it is? We begin our love in Seattle, United State which is the background of the movie “Sleepless in Seattle in Seattle”, in Chinese “緣份的天空”. Thousands of mile apart from each others, but we finally get together. I strongly believe that is our destiny. I cannot doubt that we might have done something wrong, but I will not regret about my moves. Whenever I see her smiling face, I can feel the magic that she does on me.

I cannot doubt I am such a boring people, who loves text books more than novelties, and rather stay at home that going out. But I am changing, I did something I would never do. We could stay in a gift shop for 45 minutes, try better food, shopping for the entire day, etc (Uncountable).

I am getting back to my dorm, but I did not miss her so much. As I know, we are going to meet after a month, and we could always talk through the internet and cell phone. The more important is I discovered that we were not getting together with passion only. Both of us are trying hard to figure out the way to keep the relationship.

The photo is being requested to be post by Jenny. I was hesitating when she asked me to do so, but I am not hesitating anymore.