2008-03-22 15:48:00JЁЯRЧ Hsie

Sparrow Farewell Party At school

I dunno why I’m feeling this way..

I’m feeling so sad about the fact that Sparrow is actually leaving..
Although I didn’t know him for years or anything..maybe just 3 or 4 months??

I made a gift for Sparrow this morning..I emptied a CD box and put two DVDs that I burned the day before of all the videos I took including the ice skating trip, DT class clips, daily life clips, snowing clips, math floorplan presentations, history presentations..everything inside. And I took out the paper in the fronts and backs of the CD box, and printed two myself
The front is a class photo we took at the ice skating place, and the inner part of the front was the group photo we took afterward at McDonalds. The back was a little puzzle of small photos and everything..and I named this ”AMBER EXCLUSIVES” wrapped it and gave it to Sparrow..

Anywayz..we had a party for Sparrow today..and I should say that
Although it’s kinda chaotic but overall..it’s nice and worth it.

We had Papa Johns Pizza and Coldstone Ice-Cream..
Im in charge of the ice-cream and Richard is in charge of the pizzas.
I collected 30 RMB per person for their own sets of ice-cream,
and I paid 60 RMB for Sparrow for his bigger set of ice-cream..
and it actually took me almost 1 hours going to the Coldstone shop after school and confirm the list of ice-cream wanted..

It’s really tiring and troublesome..
Everybody’s orders were different, they wanted different flavors,
they wanted to add different things, different chocolate..everything!

But I felt very happy doing this for the whole class~
I asked them to deliver the ice-cream at 2:45
but when Aaron, Ewen,and I went down at about 2:46..they werent here yet
We waited for another 5 or 6 minutes
the ice-cream still dint arrive..
I called the shop and they said they’re delivering right now...
just another 10 minutes..nonsense!!
We waited another 15 minutes and the ice-cream is still not here..
then I called them again..and she said 5 more minutes..
and then we waited again..it still dint arrive..so I called her again and she said 3 more minutes..
I wonder what kind of game this is..from 15 to 10 to 5 to 3..LOL

When I confirmed the order list with them yesterday, they told me the ice-cream will be delivered by a van..a red coldstone van
But what we saw were THREE, three red coldstone MEN on three red bicycles!!
Although I really felt angy as it’s already 3:09..21 minutes till school’ over..but the most important point right was the ice-cream so I dint shout and scream at them like what I felt like doing..
They prepared a pair of gloves and a little card for Sparrow..
unexpected..but quite lame..its almost summer..there’s no way Sparrow will wanna wear a pair of gloves in SUMMER..espeicially SINGAPORE!!

When we went up..the Koreans each took 2 slices or pizzas..and they finished lots of drinks that our classmates bought.
Thank god..Rihard saved a slice of pizza for me..but I dint get to drink anything. The Koreans were sooooo selfish.

It was so chaotic when the class saw the ice-cream, they all crowded around me and tried to reach in the bag for their ice-cream.
Some people took the wrong ice-cream, and someone took Mr.Warren’s
chocolate+brownie flavor and left him a strawberry flavor..
Mr.Warren said it’s okay and he encouraged me by saying that I really did a great job..I felt better!!

After that, I suggested the class to take a class photo with Sparrow and we did..the people from other classes also crowded at the door wanting to get in and say goodbye to their beloved Sparrow! That was very sad..lots of people cried..and the hallway was a total chaos!
I felt sad too..and I almost cried..
I stared at the signature Sparrow signed on my notebook..my eyes turned watery..I was so depressed.

I remembered my first day of school at SSIS..besides Emily’s ”YOU’RE RAFUU!! YOU’RE RAPHEAL” besides Ke You’s ”hey hey..Im Yang Jun..MIAO MIAO” Sparrow was the one that actually talked to me..and he took me to the copying room during DT class..and everything

He left me the deepest and best impression and made my start at SSIS more enjoyable...

I didn’t want to start HW right away after I got home, so I just turned on my computer and stared at the screen without knowing what to do. And suddenly..a MSN conversation box popped out, and it was Sparrow, and he invited me to his last hangout at Metro, I felt so happy and so excited!!

Sparrow trying out the T-shirt that Ke You gave him..

we hang out with Sparrow today during lunch time..and it was quite fun, as we played games and we spammed Bianca by saying ”PIZZA ICE-CREAM PIZZA ICE-CREAM” and Bianca was so mad because she wasn’t getting any pizzas or ice-cream
People busying signing on Sparrow’s shirt
Sparrow and Ke You hanging QJ
Since there’re so many people outside who wanted to talk and take photos with Sparrow..I didn’t want to be selfish so I took a real quick one with him..and it turned out to be quite awful..my hair..my face..everything..but i dun mind
Sparrow and Anna, Bianca