2010-03-20 08:08:41茉莉




所以就把它貼上來了 XD

寫的好的話請推薦  =)



A Queen That Want to Live Forever

       The queen of Amazons, Hippolyta, has been thinking a question that probably most of the king and queen might think about-- How to live forever?  She is tired of thinking whole day with no answers.  So Hippolyta wanted the entire officials write an answer for this question on a paper.  But all she got is a pile of paper with no satisfactory answers. 

Just when Hippolyta wanted to give up, she saw a paper that wrote ”Hades”.  She called that official in and said, ”How can we do with Hades, god of death? God can not be killed.”  The official replied, ”But we can catch him and be the king of the under world.” Hippolyta thinks she can try for it.  So she ordered all of the Amazons go and fought with Hades.

But it is impossible.  The Amazons had good weapons, but they couldn’t even fight win the three head dog, Cerberus.  The Amazons were all caught and ready to be punished by Zeus. 

Hippolyta knew that Zeus likes girl very much, so she sent a pretty girl to Zeus and wanted him to help them catch Hades.  Zeus likes the girl very much, so he promised to help Hippolyta. 

Zeus went to the underworld and cried,”My brother!  Here is a secret that I want to share with you! Please come with me.”  Zeus brought Hades to a prison. It is a place that punishes many god and goddess, also Titans and mortal people.  Hades said, ”Brother, why do you take me…”  Suddenly, Zeus shut the door and locked Hades inside the room.  Hades kept yelling,” Brother! Let me get out of here!”  Zeus didn’t let Hades get out but punished him in a cruel way. 

One day, Hera heard Hades screaming.  Hera felt very strange so she decided to find out who was there.  After Hera rescued Hades, she wanted Hades to tell her what happened. 

When Hera knew that Zeus punished Hades because of a girl, she was very angry and jealous.  So she promised Hades to kill Hippolyta and the girl. 

Hera quickly found the three fates and secretly cut the thread of Hippolyta and the girl.  With that, Hippolyta and the girl died.  And Hera also sent Hades back to the underworld. 

After Zeus knew that the girl was killed by Hera, he was very angry.  The sky started thundering and lightening, something terrible is about to happening…