2004-08-24 15:30:05尚未設定

August 22, 2004[3-day journey]

Well…it was the last day of the journey, I felt very excited and delighted because I was on my way home and I would see my friends soon!!! I could not wait!

In da morning, after dressing up and finishing my breakfast, I was the 1st one to get in the tour bus, waiting for them and thinking of something nice inside. =p I was wondering if my last day would rain in the afternoon?

Anyway, we took off and headed to some tourist attractions and had fun. We went to a fruit market at the beginning. Ppl were buying and bargaining so hard and they did purchase LOTs of fruits, such as mangos, pineapples, and so on. I was amazed by their abilities to decrease the prices and felt kinda sorry for those vendors. Well…at least they all got what they wanted. Ppl who bought things that could satisfy their stomach while vendors sold products that could make them richer. Both got advantages though!

Soon, we left and went toward to our president’s old house in Tainan. It was so hot that some ppl used umbrella to protect themselves from sunburn. Hmm…I was curious about this community, for that’s where our president was born and lived in his young ages. Huh…a warm and harmonious place it is and kind ppl there. Well…I guess they’re SO PROUD of president Chen and respect him so much, because there are his photos and products everywhere there. LOL [BTW-i bought some fried water caltrop, and they tasted YUMMY!!!

About 40 minutes later, we headed to another place. A spot was filled with temples and traditional things and toys. And damn, it started to rain when we got there. I was kinda unhappy about that though, but whatever, because I still took a few photos. =D Also, I bought a very particular keyring for my bff and myself. A burial case imaged keyring with 4 lucky words on “升官發財”[it means it would bring you good luck in getting a promotion and becoming wealthy.] I thought it was cute and lovely so I did not care so much and I bought 2. LOL You know, I could not find my grandmum upon paying da money. =O I was kinda terrified but I pretended everything was fine. I kept walking and looking and I found her after going to the bathroom. Haha…lucky me!

After the place, I went to Yueh-mei Sugerhouse in Taichung. I’ve been this place for a few times, and I liked there. There were a few conventional Chinese things exhibited and sold there. Lots of agricultural tools were displayed and introduced there, and I took photos of them. And most interesting part was the lady’s room. There were mirrors inside each individual toilet. How cool! Haha…I felt kinda embarrassed but still took a pic of it. LOL Later, my relative bought a 鹹冰棒-核桃蛋黃[salty ice lolly-yolk+tryma flavor] to me, and it tasted YUMMY! It was so much different from a sugared one. I loved it!

Well…happy moments were passed, and it was time to go home. But I felt terribly and extremely happy about that, for I would meet my bff and other friends soon. YAY Anyway, I sensed so exhausted I took a nap in the bus and imagined something nice upon arriving home. I was wondering if I saw my bff, I might show him what I bought for him and asked which hats he likes and I might send him. Besides, I would want him to see those both boring and funny photos and videos I took for him. But I was worried if he might be online at that moment. Anyway, it was time to wave goodbye to everybody. I called mum to help grandmum to take those things she bought home. I walked home and then went out to help her, but mum had taken all the things home soon, so I was no needed. lol Well…as usual, I turned on my computer at the moment I got upstairs, but I did not see my bff. Hmm…feeling VERY sad about this, but I was too tired to think much. I uploaded photos and videos into my computer and then chatted with my senior classmates for a while and then went to bed at about 12 am. So weary……I have A GREAT DEAL of things to do when I’m home though…BUSY always and it’s necessary though lol

To sum up, I did not know if the trip was good to me, but it was special, for I’ve never taken a trip that rains so long and heavily ever! It was a particular and unforgettable experience for me though, and I will NEVER forget about it. =p And I still wanna go to the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village AGAIN someday with my friends. That would much fun, I bet. So…I’m back safely and got so many pics and vids back, but sadly, my bff hasn’t seen any of them, for the files was sent “FAILed” several times. I did not know what was wrong with msn though? Maybe I should use yahoo msg to send instead. Well…I need to take a rest and then get up to list the things I need to take me to my college, and choose school courses. I will go to Carrefour tomorrow if my parents haven’t forgotten about this. Hope they remember! *worried and wondering*

ps. photo: shan with lovely umbrella and a HUGE red egg lol [visiting a spot in Jhushan Twonship,Nantou County]