2004-08-24 15:26:41尚未設定

August 21, 2004[3-day journey]

It was a nice day like yesterday morning, and I thought it might be the same circumstances like yesterday afternoon—RAINING!

Well…because of the damn and unpredictable weather, our plans were forced to be altered with reluctance. Ms. tour guide and the driver needed to think of some nice places and ask ppl’s opinions and then made a decision. Finally, they determined to go to the Holy Mt. Zion. So we were going on the way there. [before getting there, we went to visit at a buddhist temple, I saw lots of nice architectures and images, so I took a few photos there.]

It was a sunny morning and kinda hot. When we arrived at the spot, Mt. Zion, we walked in the woods, and ppl got to the historic exhibition place. Some ppl went to the small zoo there to see ostriches while some ppl [actually, only 5 persons, including me] wandered in the forest to experience the fresh air and take a forest bath. LoL

We walked slowly and peacefully. Suddenly, it started raining just right at the moment when we got to the top. We took out our umbrellas in time. I even captured videos in the rain. Silly and kinda foolish me, right? I just wanna remember how bad the weather was treating me at that time though…..haha…joke…=p

Anyway, we took a break at a refuge while someone was living there and she played a video introducing Mt. Zion for us. About 30 minutes or so, we left when the rain looked not as intense as before, but actually it still WAS!!!>_<” Well…we went to the toilet and then took off. Walking, talking and laughing, they seemed kinda enjoyed the special moment in the rain. Ms. tour guide even said: “The rain might take all of our quilts away and made us brand new.” LOL God knows if it did…haha…I took a few videos when walking. [In fact, it was really hard to take vids in the rain, especially when I needed to protect my bags, myself and the camera on my hand.] Fortunately, we got out off there safely. [To be honest, I wanted to make myself happier in the rain. I took a few photos and videos when it was raining. And it was kinda fun and special to walk and even try my best both to protect myself from getting much wetter and to take videos as it rained so intensely.]

I was wondering “Why no one came to take us down there or even made a phone call to make sure if all of us were okay?” Strange, huh? Well…we experienced a tough time to get out off there in the end, and you know what? It stopped raining on the moment we headed to out tour bus. “>_<

Soon, we left the spot, Mt. Zion. But one occasion made me kinda worried and terrified, that was, we encountered landslide and our tour bus halted for 10 minutes or so, and eventually we were safe and started going to our hotel. *released* [I messaged Ted to tell him something about this situation and called my mum for a while.]

Ahh…we arrived at our hotel at about 4:30 pm. I took a break in da room and used time to air my skirt, shoes and umbrella. Also took a few photos. =p I changed a jeans to have my dinner at 5:30 pm, and upon finishing eating, I went back to da room at once. Trying to get myself busy and have something to do, I wrote and watched TV and then took a bath…just as normal though, but at different place. =O

I had been watching a movie named Evil Woman. It was funny and interesting. Haha…a silly ending and a lovely story though. LOL I slept after accomplishing watching the film. [with a TIRED body and mind]….thinking of the last day of the trip, my heart felt kinda delighted. ^_^ Count down------