2016-10-06 01:49:06i67ya09v7o

樂天[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe- English (British) Level 1 $9712

前幾天看到[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712覺得還不錯

想要當下就買[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712下去

但是我想到在網路上購買[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712應該會比較划算

前往連結 [美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712


[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712

商品網址:[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712



201010151510l- English (British)?

Product Features?

  • Interactive language software with proprietary speech-recognition technology

  • Build a foundation of fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure

  • Master basic conversational skills; receive immediate and ongoing speech assessments

  • Audio Companion for CD or MP3 player; learning application for iPhone or iPod Touch device

  • Language-enhancing games; live online lessons; includes headset with microphone



[美國直購ShopUSA] 羅塞塔石碑 Rosetta Stone V4 TOTALe: English (British) Level 1 $9712

商品網址: http://www1.gamepark.com.tw/redirect.php?k=f1924c62249a9edd7a1c1ae35ae2f2c4&uid1=&uid2=&uid3=&uid4=&uid5=
