2005-04-26 23:05:15尤加利利
Momy and I go together
“Cup and saucer go together.
Bowl and spoon go together.
Pot and ladle go together.
Momy and I go together.”
後來我才發現,課本最後一句應該是“Molly and I go together.”,不是”Momy and I“,但是弟弟覺得他唱的比較對,他說:
“Cup and saucer go together.
Bowl and spoon go together.
Pot and ladle go together.
Momy and I go together.”
後來我才發現,課本最後一句應該是“Molly and I go together.”,不是”Momy and I“,但是弟弟覺得他唱的比較對,他說:
Where should Papa Go ??-_-”