2004-12-22 04:19:34小書生

Marketing Assignment : Orientation and marketing research I

索命功課一份!!!其實都係抄左幾本書、幾個網,作左少少開頭結尾, 都唔知幾點要做咁耐 ><

Question 1
In marketing management, there are 3 orientations. They are Product Orientation, Sales Orientation, and Marketing (Customer) orientations. Now I am going to explain and compare the 3 differences.

We produce excellent, well-designed, quality products which are great value for money. Customers are sure to want our products.

Product orientation means to producing goods with optimum quality and cost. With many companies the movement from production orientation occurs only when customer stop buying their buying. A good, rigorous sales campaign is often seen as the answer, and hence the company adopts a sales orientation.

Sales orientation accepts that the business must promote its products aggressively, but usually the product already exists and it is the responsibility of the sales staff to identify suitable customers who might buy it. This does not mean that salespeople are customer orientated, as that would involve starting with customer needs and not the product.

We have a good product. However, in this competitive market we must push it hard to achieve our sales goals.

Sales orientation means effective selling. Good sales staff understand the benefits their products offer and use these “selling points” to convince customers. They also understand competition, as they are at the ‘sharp end’ of business and often their pay includes an element of commission on actual sales.

Selling orientation can emphasis one of two directions - a competitor focus or a customer focus. It may be enough to beat the competition. There are no prizes for being second in a sales negotiation. But if you win the contract, make the sale and see the sales graph rise there is satisfaction.

Although we have good price and good quality, our product should focus on customer needs.

Marketing orientation can also called as Customer Orientation. It is focus on the needs of customers. All activities are coordinated around the needs of the customer. It is FUNDAMENTAL to the continuation of the organization.

Customer orientation has already been touched on - everyone in the organisation must aim to serve the customer, whether directly or indirectly. This is customer sovereignty: it places the customer effectively at the TOP of the organization chart. The substance and credibility of this customer-centredness will daily be put to the test in all sorts of ways (E.g. how long to answer the telephone, promptness of delivery, product quality).

Coordination of efforts will itself relate directly to management and the commitment of the organization to marketing. We should have good preparation before every activity, rather than fall casualty to the sectional interests and biases of individuals of functional groups.

Both the 3 orientations are very important foe successful business. We cannot without one of them. The focus of each orientation is different.
Let me point it out:

What do they focus on between the 3 orientations?? Let SEE:
Product Orientation Sales Orientation Marketing Orientation
财1 Products Design 财2 Good Quality 财3 Reliability 财4 Functional 财5 Effective selling 财6 Good use of selling points 财7 Trying to make the sales graph rise 财8 Best price (customer mostly needed) 财9 Satisfy customer needs’ 财10 Sense the changing needs (trend) 财11 All activity is coordinated around the needs of customers

Production Orientation à Product Orientation à Sales Orientation à Marketing Orientation
(Source: MARKETING PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE 2nd Ed, Dennis Adcock, Ray Bradfield, Al Halborg and Caroline Ross, Pitman Publishing)
Businesses are often defined as production-orientated, sales-orientated or marketing-orientated. They are considered as stages along a progression from production through sales to marketing. At the left-hand end there are companies that concentrate on producing what they think customer want. It is happening in many parts of former with companies that still have little competition. If there is little choice for customer then they might buy a product that is quite not what they want.

Question 2:
Marketing Mix is a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that the firm blends to procedure the response it wants in the target market. The marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do influence the demand for its product.
Here I will introduce the marketing mix’s 4 / the 7Ps, modifying, pricing strategies and standardized.
The many possible can be collected into four groups of variables known as the ‘7 Ps’:
Physical evidence

Product : means the goods-and service combination the company offers to the target market.
Price: is the amount of money customers have to pay to obtain the product.
Place: includes company activities that make the product available to target consumers.
Promotion: means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it.
People are the service of customer satisfaction
Here is the graph of marketing Mix :

Modifying the marketing mix means to improve sales by changing one or more marketing mix elements. They can cut prices to attract new users and competitors’ customer. They can launch a better advertising campaign or use aggressive sales promotions-Trade deals, cents-off, premiums, and contests. The company can also move into large market channels, using mass merchandisers, if these channels are growing. Finally, the company can offer new or improved services to buyers.

Marketing-mix strategy
Price is only one of the marketing-mix tools that a company use to achieve its marketing objectives. Companies often position their products on price and then base other marketing-mix decisions on the prices they want to charge. Price is a crucial product-positioning factors that defines the product’s market, competition and design.

Companies which open markets in numerous countries have to decide how much to adapt their marketing mixs to local conditions. At one extreme are global companies that use a standardized marketing mix worldwide.

Standardized marketing mix is an international marketing strategy for using basically the same marketing mix in all of the company’s international markets.
Proponents of global standardization claim that it results in lower production, distribution, marketing, and management costs, letting companies offer consumers higher quality and more reliable products at LOWER PRICES.

Thus, the marketer must consider the total marketing mix when setting prices. If the product is positioned on non-price factors, then decisions about quality, promotion, and distribution will strongly affect decisions made about the other marketing-mix elements.

To summarize, marketing mix mainly include the 4Ps (or 7Ps), marketing-mix strategy, modifying, testing and standardization as well. It is very vital for marketing management .An effective marketing program blends all of the marketing mix elements into a coordinated program designed to achieve the company’s marketing objectives by delivering value to consumers. The marketing mix constitutes the company’s tactical toolkit for establishing strong positioning in target markets.

( Sources : Marketing: Introduction 5th Ed.,Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, Prentice Hall Publishing )

Question 3:
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weakness
ß--------------------------------------- Conversion

SWOT analysis is the initial letters of the classifications used. They are STRENGTHS, WEAKNESS, OPPORTUNITIES and THREATS. Its propose is to provide a framework within which the selected information can be compared, the strengths can be developed to match the specific opportunities identified and those weakness for which there is a corresponding threat addressed.
Strengths: These are the internal factors which are likely to enhance performance, such as having a well-trained sales force, efficient production and highly-quality products.
Weakness: These are the internal factors which are likely to inhibit performance, such excessive capacity, obsolete designs and long delivery schedules.
Opportunities: These are the external factors which favour the organization, such as effective distributors, compliance with legislation, presence in growing market segments, security of supply of critical components or competitors being reorganized.
Threats: These are the external factors which are likely to be to the organisation’s disadvantage, such as strengthening currency making imported competition less expensive and exports more expensive, recently introduced competitive products, or substitutes able to offer comparable benefits to customers

A good SWOT is not simply a listing of the key factors but a well-thought-out summary where the major strengths and weakness of greatest important are highlighted. There are several ways of reviewing the factors, but perhaps the easiest is to rank on a scale of 1 (least important) to 10 (most important). It is appropriate to concentrate efforts on the more important factors when planning future activity for any organization.

From the SWOT analysis it should be possible to draw up marketing objectives which are consistent with the overall corporate objectives and the vision that might be set out in the mission statement.