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【比價】Gesslein 兒童推車 F10 Air+ 搶購CP值爆表


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Gesslein Stroller F10 Air+ 設計式樣: 753753 · 2018

Being equipped with four large off-road wheels Gesslein's stroller F10 Air+ provides ultimate driving comfort for you and your child - whether that be on a stroll through the forest or town. The Air+ wheels feature an air chamber core and a resilient rubber coating - that way, they turn the F10 into the perfect outdoor stroller that masters every terrain effortlessly.

The single wheel suspension of the F10 Air+ can be set in either a soft or sporty mode while the double ball bearing ensures a comfortable and smooth run of the wheels. The parking brake on the push bar is particularly smart and can be operated easily by hand.

The swivel push bar as well as the reversible seat unit are particularly convenient and well-shaped and help you switch your little one's driving mode in sun, wind and rain easily. Due to the Easy-Click system you can easily release the pushchair seat easily from the chassis. When you combine the F10 Air+ with the Gesslein soft carrycot C1-Lift or the carrycot C3 (both items are not included in delivery; when using the C3 carrycot you need to get the basic adaptor in order to create an elevated position), you can transform the F10 Air+ into a multi-functional stroller which is suitable right from birth and up.

The loop seat insert with headrest which is another fab item included in delivery provides high seating and lying comfort for your little one. The seat insert is equipped with the hygienic cellpur mattress and features a summer side and winter side which can be reversed accordingly. The backrest can be adjusted multiple times until it reaches a recline position.

Tip: The wide range of Loop seat insert adds some more change and diversion to the F10 Air+. That way, you can switch between several trendy looks and thus turn the F10 Air+ into a stroller in your very own style.

Many other great functions make the F10 Air+ stand out as a unique stroller: The large storage space for instance, which is provided by the bag built in the canopy or on the back of the seat unit as well as by the easy-to-reach shopping net. When it is hot outside, a sun shield as well as the canopy mode supply your little one with maximum sun protection while the detachable back part of the canopy including drop-out protection supplies him with optimum air circulation. The viewing panel built in the canopy makes sure that you can always have an eye on your little one.

A comfortable and back-friendly position while pushing the F10 Air+ should be a matter of fact. Thus, this stroller features a modern and user-friendly kinking push bar that adapts perfectly to your height. You can also store the stroller in the boot of your car in a back-friendly and easy way. Due to the fact that the seat unit and the chassis can be stored individually, you only have to lift half the weight when storing these two parts.

Being mobile and active is one of the most important things for modern parents. The Gesslein F10 Air+ is a real all-round stroller. By using the respective basic adaptors (not included in delivery - available for infant car seats by Maxi-Cosi and Römer), you can easily transform the F10 into a convenient travel system. Simply click in the infant car seat and you are ready to go and see the doctors or else do some shopping without waking up or disturbing your little one. Furthermore, you can oomph up your stroller and make it even more flexible and manoeuvrable by equipping it with a spare axle which can be purchased as an accessory - this way, you can master even the narrowest curves.


  • Items delivered: chassis with pushchair attachment and Loop seat insert

  • Including play bar, rain cover and shopping net

  • Optionally with handbrake

  • 省錢妙招
  • Aluminium chassis/ for colour of chassis see images

  • Suitable from approx. 6 months and up, when combined with C1 Lift soft carrycot or C3 carrycot (not included in delivery) it is suitable from birth and up

  • 4 x 12 inch wheels, single wheel suspension, double ball bearing

  • Kinking of push for optimum height adjustment

  • Easy-Click system

  • Swivel push bar for quick change of driving direction

  • Foot section can be extended and adjusted in height

  • Backrest can be adjusted until it reaches a recline position

  • Sun canopy function, drop-out protection, viewing panel, sun shield and low-noise canopy adjustment, reflectors

  • Manual locking brake

  • 搶購CP值爆表
  • Travel system when combined with infant car seat and by using a basic adaptor (not included in delivery)

  • Machine washable at 30°C in delicate cycle

  • Dimensions: lying surface 93 x 34 cm, height of push bar 76 - 113 cm, folded size: 96 x 59 x 36 cm, width of chassis: 58 cm

  • 快速到貨網拍必買清單
  • Weight: chassis 9.2 kg, attachment 5 kg

  • Fitting and sewn parts made in Germany




Gesslein 兒童推車 F10 Air+






促轉會9月17日聲明,前副主委張天欽及少數成員的失當言行,無法代表該會;從未以「東廠」自居,也絕不可能成為「東廠」,嚴守行政中立,不可能將轉型正義作為選舉手段。要符合法治(rule of law)嗎?要有民主正當性、必要性及合法性嗎?如何達成呢?

什麼是轉型正義(Transitional Justice,TJ)? Teitel指出,TJ係指一個國家在進行民主轉型後處理正義的工程,目的可能是清算舊政府之不義,或補償舊政府時期的政治受害者。主要任務為處置加害者、賠償受害者與歷史記憶保存;目的是使受壓迫而分裂的社會得到和解,確保過去侵犯人權不再發生。

TJ自身之品性是甚麼呢?要非張天欽說的:「我們本來是南廠,現在變西廠,後來升格變東廠。」民主政治選舉下,得勝者往往會以「公平正義」,掌控公共權力和社會資源,謀求本身權利最大化!唐獎第3屆「法治獎」得主約瑟夫.拉茲(Joseph Raz)於 9月22日在台北說:新政府應思考追求TJ過程是否造成更大傷害?


TJ容易在新興民主國家淪為政治口號及形成政治對立,例如在台灣常有反對者說,TJ是仇恨動員與撕裂社會的工具。各國民主轉型不同,Stacey將其分為輕易轉型(easy transition)及困難轉型(hard transition)。台灣政治現況較類似後者,下台者仍保有相當的權力,尤其是政黨力量及意識型態多元,加上目前經濟景氣低迷等。有風險要小心運作!最重要的是,要如何取得民眾的支持,也要有制衡機制(check and balances)。否則本非東廠的促轉會,執行上非無淪為東廠之風險!


曾訪台多次的首屆唐獎法治獎得主南非前大法官Albie Sachs 於18日在台北說,他對促轉會風波沒太多評論,南非的「真相與和解委員會」(TRC)的組成及運作等可供台灣參考。雖然TRC及成員是無法中立的,一定有立場,但很重要的是要「公正」(impartial)。TRC的主席屠圖及成員都具公信力與代表性,沒有政治色彩強的人。

東德解體後,1991年柏林法庭最終判決,將開槍射殺逃亡者的衛兵判3年半徒刑,且不予假釋。判決理由謂:作為守衛,不執行上級命令是有罪的,沒有選擇的權利。但作為一個心智健全的人,此時此刻,你有把槍口抬高一釐米的主權,那是你應主動承擔的良心義務。該判決阻止往後盲從者的藉口,避免沒法條可對加害者懲罰。德國波茨坦歷史研究中心主任、洪堡大學歷史教授薩布羅夫(Martin Sabrow)於今年3月中在台灣演講指出,德國二戰後經歷「去納粹化」及「去共產主義化」的兩次TJ。但德國的經驗與台灣的政治社會情況大相逕庭。




● 夏珍專欄:「行政不法」的病毒,重度感染蔡英文政府
● 風評:蔡英文少發點脾氣,天下多點太平













  • 8種「好心」食物,保健你的心臟及血管
  • 五心臟共振走路法、站樁,調理氣血護心腎
  • 台大醫師:這樣好好睡防心臟病、阿茲海默症

本文摘自《中醫調理聖經:黑補腎,青調肝,白潤肺,黃健脾,紅養心, 全方位調理食物速查表,正確食療、輕鬆調五臟》/史鎖芳(南京中醫藥大學醫學博士)/大是文化

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