2004-02-24 23:43:00Halcyon

Happy Birthday to me...thanks for all your love!

11pm already...suppose drawing near the end of my first day as a 21 year old. Happy to say, i dont feel that old ye! Got a bottle of Kenzo from janice, laney and ear...and a very funny card for their gay friend...haha...my senior was so shocked when he saw it, and he gave me a stamp too, one of those with my name on it, very personal gift. And in the middle of class, elisha came in, asking me to go buy something with her. I was a little blank then, cos i took my medicine in the afternoon and was still a little drowsy...well then she pulled me into another classroom and shoved a cake at me.....haha...i was so surprised....really cool of her and sabrina to do something so sweet! After class, was waiting for janice...in the end she didnt know i was skipping the last two hours to have dinner with my parents, had to run to meet her.....haha....kenzo is great! And then senior gave me a ride home.....saw an accident on our way back, a motorcycle crashed into a car...the front half of the motorcycle literally shattered...and the rider did a somersault before landing. he seemed to be okay, no exterior bleeding...but who knows what happened to his hip or spine, noting the way he landed...nothing bloody, but enough to chill my bones. Got home in time to go for dinner at this japanese place....haha....overate...so full now...waiting for my dad to come home, so that i can eat the cake now....but he might be home after midnight...sigh....thanks everybody! thanks for the gifts and the love. love you guys! smuck! thanks to shinji for the wallet too! hahaha