2004-02-23 23:57:00Halcyon

21 years old~~

Today, I legally turn into an adult all over the globe. Yes, yes, my friends, the dreaded 21st birthday has finally happened to me. I am offically no longer growing up...just growing old. No more need to get fake driver's licenses to get a drink at any pub, no more hiding in dark corners to smoke weed. But it could also mean that i am no longer entitled to my dreams, no longer fun to fool around with. Haha, yeah right, like that would happen with old pat. Funny how the transition from 20 to 21 isnt as bad as i was feeling this time last year. I remember how terrible the day i turned 20 felt, that i was so old. Well, i am still old, but i guess i can handle it. I think i am no longer the same anyway. Especially just a few weeks ago, when i had to make a painful decision to test for AIDS, which by the way, i dont have. I guess when you are faced with a life changing disease that you wouldnt be able to get rid of if you have it, your perspectives will change. I know i wasnt the best boy the past year, in any regards. But i am determined to change that. I cant be a total goody two shoes, but i can be a better person. That's it, no ambitious goals to reach, just to better myself, guess that is plenty hard for me already. You know, in many ways, i have it better than so many other people, that i am blessed in my life, that i have had so many experiences, so many people who care for me. My parents are very supportive...my friends are wonderful. I have alright grades...hahaha...i guess i am alright. Listening to music as i am walking this eassy, my last for the 20th year of my life.