2005-05-28 20:45:58ra。ck*

i will always be your friend

i seem not to care u anymore
oh no...
its' i do not care your state anymore...
now's state of u

i am just a friend to u
i don't want to even can't be a friend
so i just comfort and help
i can already face myself now
u are my friend,a special friend,but you are just a friend
i am your friend ,but i don't know what i am to u
hope i am a special one to u,too

maybe somebody think that i am a fool
but that is just me
i can't control myself to be a fool
i can't make me not to do things which i think that friend should do
even if i don't look him just as a friend that time
that's just me...
the one like a fool is me
i am a fool...

but it's very happy that i don't feel sad when i hear something about it
now i feel very light and free

i think that i just need a person who looks me as a most important one
and i do,too
but i don't find out yet
i will keep finding

i seem not to love u anymore

but i still like u
a friend's taste...

i will always be your friend