2004-07-25 22:37:46尚未設定

Jumping cut

Aerial shot: A shot from high above, usually from a crane or helicopter.

Close-up: An image in which the distance between the subject and the point of view is very short, as in a “close-up of a person’s face”.

Eyeline match: The ending or joining of different shots by following the logic and direction of a character’s glance or look.

Jumping cut: A cut within the continuous action of a shot, creating a spatial or temporal jump or discontinuity within the action.

Parallel action: Two or more actions that are linked by the film to appear simultaneous.

Widescreen: An aspect ration that exceeds the traditional 1.33:1 ratio of width to height. The most common widescreen ratios are 1.66:1 and 1.85.1.