2011-09-02 08:00:00前權 & 靜宜

Amsterdam ,Netherlands

Translated by SFT   

's Heerenberg is the first city we entered from Germany to the Netherlands . Since the name of the city has ‘berg’ in the word, it’s likely we will see at least a castle in the city. 

On average, each Nederlander (the term for Dutch in English) has 2 bicycles. Dutch children start learning how to ride a bicycle when they are about 2 or 3 years old. They use the bike designed for toddlers. There’s no pedal and they start with balancing and direction-control. After they are good at it, it becomes natural when they begin pedaling.

Cycling in the Netherlands is common and popular.  Their cycle facilities are particularly impressive to us.

Cycle lanes are painted in red. As long as you know the color, you will not be on the wrong track.  We feel bicycle-friendly right away upon entering the Netherlands .

The signage clearly shows the direction of the bike paths.

There’re 2 kinds of road signs: blue for motorized vehicles and red for bicycles

Rain has been following us.  I think we will be very welcome wherever there is a drought.
We will never forget the trip to Amsterdam , the largest city and the capital of the Netherlands.

It rained all of a sudden. We found a shelter in the park and had our lunch with rain water. 

Fortunately, the rain went as quickly as it came.

Most of the lands are near or below sea level, thus it’s called Netherlands (low lying lands; Nether means low, lands means lands).

There’re a lot of museums in Amsterdam . The most famous are the Amsterdam Museum and the Van Gogh Museum .  I surely would like to see the paintings and drawings of my favorite painter in the Van Gogh Museum .

There’s a long line waiting outside the museum.

 I waited for about one hour before I got in.

The price of the ticket is 14 euros. So expensive that my heart was heavy when I paid for it. I would not miss any art piece to make it worth the money.  It’s Yi’s turn to watch our bikes when I was in the museum.

Windmills can also be seen in the urban area.

Lots of artwork in the square.

Taiwan is shown on the big globe.

It started raining heavily in the afternoon.  Luckily, we could shelter from the rain under the overpass.

The sun will eventually come up after the rain.

 Hello, Rotterdam , we are coming.