2003-10-27 12:12:45Fishy

A poem from March, 2003

I was reading through the economic notes from Columbia. I found this poem in the notes. I’m not sure if I wrote it in class. I can’t remember if I ever uploaded this poem to either of my diaries. I kind of remember how I felt when I wrote it. It’s funny to read my old poems, and the old feelings.
Hopefully, some day you would check this out, and tell me that you like the poem.

Baby I’m sorry
I’m pretending to move on.
Could you tell me why all at a sudden
Everything seems a big yarn.
I kept my eyes open
From mid night until dawn
Through the window by my bed,
I could see the sky torn.
If I could ever go back to the time when I was born,
Would you still be here,
Or would you just be gone?