2003-07-16 11:49:56Fishy


It was nice when you said you would kill Fisher for what he had done to me. I don’t really expect anyone to fight for me though. I just felt protected the moment you said that.
Something happened in his car, which’s been like a scar in my heart. I still remember I called you that night. I left a message and cried on the phone. You called me later that night, and said I might want to see the nurse sometime.
The crazy March break seems so far away now. I’m glad that I have a lot of memory in Columbia, most of which is about you. These days I would recall the time when I laid in bed. I remember I often went see you after school. Mostly I remember you smiled at me, and some conversations we had. Once I was hanging out in the lobby with Darlena, while you were standing in the doorway. It was after your algebra class. You yelled and asked me if I would come back after school. It was sweet. I also remember the day we took the algebra exam. I was having lunch with my friends in the cafeteria. You walked by the window from a distance. We saw and smiled at each other. Then you walked by several times more and gave me lots of smiles! I like the blue checkered shirt you wore that day! (I forget the name of the pattern of those kinds of shirt. Yuck!)
Is the monkey still holding the fish in his arms and sitting on the shelf?
I miss you, and your hug, your kiss and your whatever! :P

Love you, from a distance of 8mm. :P :)