2003-12-22 11:51:00Fishy


I was falling asleep in the couch; I thought of you.
You said you didn’t think I liked you and you were worried that I could not get over you. I don’t think it’s necessary to defend whether I like you or not. I wouldn’t go visit you at all if I didn’t like you. I would not kiss someone I didn’t like at all.
It’s always been a classic problem when someone still likes the person even after they broke up. I don’t think it’s a serious problem any more cause I don’t feel really upset about it. Then why can’t I think of you? There’s nothing wrong about liking you. It sounds weird, sometimes even to myself.
I remember you hugging me tight yesterday when we were about to say goodbye. I remember kissing you. I remember you saying “we’ll talk later” when I let go. I remember saying bye to you in the elevator.
I’ll miss you, Dave. Don’t ask me “for what”.
Happy Holiday!