2019-02-16 17:15:32fdbpd3jj1ljr

【熱銷】Hauck Buggy Speed Plus S 最近流行產品產品


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Hauck Buggy Speed Plus S 設計式樣: Forest Fun · 2018

With Hauck's buggy Speed Plus S you can master everyday life easily. Its

light weight as well as its front wheels that rotate 360° contribute to the buggy's manoeuvrability. It is the ideal companion for shopping trips and perfect for pushing through tiny shops or crowded pedestrian areas. The wheels' suspension levels out any irregularities.

A bottle holder included is perfect for keeping your little one's drinking bottle easy to reach. Another great feature is the buggy's spacious shopping basket that offers enough space to store all the necessities and niceties needed when being out and about with a child. Soft push bars with ergonomically shaped handles supply you with high comfort even on long rides.

Padded seats contribute to the buggy's driving comfort. Your little one will love rides in the Hauck Speed Plus S. The backrest can be adjusted in several different levels until it reaches a full recline position. The multiply-adjustable footrest adds to even more comfort for your child. A five-point harness, a front bar as well as the parking brake ensure a high safety level.

Hauck's Speed Plus S collapses into the size of an umbrella. Practical carry loops are perfect for transporting the buggy easily.

NEW: The Speed Plus S can be used much longer beyond legal regulations. It has a weight capacity of up to 22 kg.

Items delivered:

Details/ Features/ Dimensions and weight:

  • Age suitability: from birth up to 15 kg

  • Suspension

  • Bottle holder

  • Wheels made of synthetic material

  • Parking brake

  • Spacious shopping basket

  • Wipeable

  • 2018流行商品產品
  • Angle of backrest: 108 to 151,5°

  • Gradual adjustment of backrest, 4x

  • Lockable footrest, 2 x

  • Removable canopy

  • Removable cover

  • Removable front bar

  • Lockable swivel wheels

  • Removable front wheels

  • Removable rear wheels

  • Five-point harness

  • Can be combined with carry bag

  • Total weight of buggy/ pushchair: 7,40 kg

  • Size folded: 110 x 35 x 30 cm

  • Size unfolded: 77 x 46 x 108 cm

  • Seat width: 33 cm

  • Height of push bar: 108 cm

  • Length of lying surface: 83 cm

  • Length of seat and backrest: 21 / 46 cm

  • Diameter of rear wheel: 13,5 cm

  • Diameter of front wheel: 13,5 cm




Hauck Buggy Speed Plus S






保障生育人權 衛生局推「生育護理尊重」

適逢國際人權日(Human Rights Day)到來,紐約市健康與心理衛生局(Department of Health and Mental Hygiene)連同紐約市公立醫院系統10日公布紐約市「生育護理尊重」計畫(Respectful Care at Birth),保障全市居民生育期間的基本人權;衛生局會把計畫內容製成海報和手冊,分發到全市各醫療機構和社區健康組織,並進入社區宣講。

「生育護理尊重」計畫由衛生局下屬的兩性和生育正義社區參與小組(Sexual and Reproductive Justice Community Engagement Group)起草,主要關注六方面內容:保障患者有教育權、知情權、治療方法的決定權、以及享受高質量的護理,包括生育前後所需的支持以及不被歧視。

衛生局代理局長巴博特(Oxiris Barbot)表示:「該計畫強調安全的生育體驗是一項基本人權,而我們的最終目標是在推廣健康平等,營造一個能讓患者享受人權、健保提供者傾聽和新任患者、雙方共同做出決定的良好環境。」






因此,台灣的這些現象,不只是美國《外交政策》雜誌分析員葛里爾所說「台灣人普遍抱持失敗主義」,而是長年來歷任政府都縱容民粹,而輕忽國防所致!且當國防部部長無法堅持立場,只能跟著說瞎話、粉飾太平時,國家危矣!(推薦閱讀:公孫策專欄:國防部變成職訓局? )


● 陳一新觀點:慶富案新疑點重重 誰該負責任?
● 風評:事前黑箱作業、事後迴避監督,國防部離譜!

Hauck Buggy Speed Plus S

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