2016-07-02 00:56:01erinks3dp3l

全民英檢報名簡章 西班牙家教 台灣英語教育 jag - judge advocate general中文意思是什麼

    英文補習班臺北 聽youtube學英文 網上自學英語?英文网 英文如何學起 英檢中高級初試英文文法線上學習 生活英文會話新竹高中英文 千萬別學英語商業英檢 家教網美國遊學 商用英文寫作班 免費英語學習網教英文 多益線上學習 補習老師 英文學測英文 兒童英語學習



jag - judge advocate general中文意思是什麼

jag - judge advocate general解釋


  • jag: n 1 〈古語〉織品上的V字形凹口[尖裂縫]。2 鋸齒形缺口的突出部。vt ( gg )1 在…上刻 V 形凹口。2 把…...
  • judge: n 1 審判員,法官,推事。2 〈J 〉最高審判者〈指神、上帝〉。 3 (糾紛等的)評判者;(比賽等的)裁判...
  • advocate: n. 1. 擁護者,鼓吹者,提倡者。2. 律師。vt. 擁護;鼓吹;提倡;主張;辯護。
  • general: adj (opp special)1 一般的,綜合的,通用的。2 普通的,廣泛的,通常的。3 全體的,總的;全面的,普...

  • The general requirement include the open to the party and the society, but the fundamental content means the open of trial procedure and trial decision. the open of trial procedure means the open from placing a case on file to the end of court debate and the open court proceedings is the key factor, but the open trial decision include the open declaration 、 open judge document and open judgment reasons through which realize open proceedings

    線上英文課 常用英文會話 一般要求包括向當事人的公開及對社會的公開,基本內容指審判過程的公開和審判結果公開,審判過程的公開指從立案直至法庭辯論結束的全部活動公開,其中法庭審理公開是關鍵;審判結果的公開包括判決的公開宣告及裁判文書的公開等形式及通過判決理由的公開實現裁判形成過程的公開等實質內容。
  • In general, judge - made law is also called judiciary - made law, case law and unwritten law, which means judicial functionaries formulate laws applied to individual cases by adjudicating specific lawsuits

    法官造法通常也稱為「司法者造法」 、 「判例法」或「不成文法」 ,是指由司法人員通過審判具體案件而制定出適用於個案的法律。
  • The judge, whose eyes had gone in the general direction, recalled them, leaned back in his seat, and looked steadily at the man whose life was in his hand, as mr. attorney - general rose to spin the rope, grind the axe, and hammer the nails into the scaffold

  • The western culture accomplished people advocate individuality characteristic, but chinese culture urges us pursue general character, therefore in gown design, we have to put general character on the foundation of individuality, both must follow the fashion current, also have to manifest the national culture, can not exaggerate which separated from people s aesthetics limit

  • Pierluigi collina ( l ), famous italian soccer judge, is greeted by john northen ( r ), general manager of jw marriott hotel shanghai during his stay

    義大利著名線上日語學習 英語家教足球裁判(左)科里納在下榻上海jw萬豪酒店期間受到總經理喬朗臻(右)的歡迎。

    jafurah al, jafuri, jafvert, jag bolt, jag jacobabad, jag mundhra

    jag - judge advocate general中文意思是什麼
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