2006-05-01 20:34:42蓉蓉

Multitasking---car call

Scientists have bad news for people who think they can deftly drive
a car while gabbing on a cell phone

the brain appears to have a finite amount of space for tasks requiring

making cell phone hands-free can't solve the problem of the brain's
inability to carry out multiple tasks in tandem.

people need to know that their brains have limits even if they are under
the illusion that multiple tasks is the wave of th future.

some phrases

1. sth becomes a habit of me 變成我的習慣
2. multitasking 同時進行很多工作
multiple tasks 許多工作
3. disquieting 令人不安的(feel anxious, not satisfied)
4. A as opposed to B 相反於
5. devoted to sth 致力於..
6. gab=talk= have a conversation
7. distract sb 使某人分心 <=> give full attention to
8. tea girl => go around.pour tea 專倒茶水的小妹
mail boy => pick up mail 專負責郵寄的小弟
9. carry out sth 完成某事
10. under the illusion that... 存在某種想像
11. the wave of the future 未來趨勢
12. in tandem 一起

上一篇:seven ways to learn----(2)
