2006-05-01 19:13:51蓉蓉

seven ways to learn----(2)

some phrases

1. mentor n.導師; v.教導
2. give sb hands on sth. 移交某事
3. take sth into account(consideration) 考慮sth
4. sell your ideas 宣傳你的看法
5. take on the role of instructor 擔任指導者
=take the lead
6. take control of situation 控制局面
=take charge of sth
=take over
7. step back 退後一步,退居後面
8. assert 斷言,聲稱擁有(negative word)
9. walk through sth 一步一步完成某事
ex: walk through each principle or assignment
10.authoritative 再某領域具有權威的
ex: authoritative trainer
11.time constraints 時間限制
12. feel sth out 弄清楚某事
13. angle/ view point 觀點
ex: dofferent angles/view points
14. six sense 第六感
15. fruitful and timesaving clues 多且省時的方法