2006-04-22 18:35:59蓉蓉

Several kinds of people

people who constantly complain and boss others around

people who always play the role of a victim

people who spread secrets and rumors

4.Control Freaks(喜歡主導一切的人)
people who want to wield control over every situation

5.Cold shoulders(冷漠者---常迴避他人的人)
people who avoid meaningful contact with others

people who frequently erupt in anger

people who constantly take but never give back

people who keep score in every situation

people who never seem to be satisfied

some phrases

1.a fact of life 嚴酷的現實
2.set boundaries with somebody 說明你能忍受的底線
3.foster a healthier perspective on life 建立更正面的觀點
4.spur sb. to do sth. 鼓勵某人做sth
5.speak up sth. 公開地說sth.
6.difficult people= people of high maintenance 難搞的人
7.avoid sb. 迴避某人
8.push sb hard 給sb壓力
9.ruin your health 殘害你的健康
10.fray sb's nerves=gets on sb's nerves 使某人生氣;使人精疲力盡
11.drain sb's energy 使某人精疲力盡
12.give sb's advice 給人建議
13.pinpoint possible underlying issues behindproblems
clarify the reasons behind all conflict
14.win-lose scenario 贏或輸的情況
15.rage;wrath 生氣 憤怒(out of rage; sb' wrath)
16.come out on top 贏;居上風
17.throw sth into the wind 忽略sth.