2007-03-04 12:18:10[嵐] ♥

寶貝 妳懂的!


Rain rains more more heavy...I to your remember fondly..Also accumulate more more many..I have already canned not distinguish..The on the face is a rain water or a tears...

When I was covered by the lonesome Long hour...Unfortunately you aren’t at....

When I am sad to drop tear hour....Unfortunately you aren’t at.....

When I am thinking of you....Unfortunately you aren’t at....

Each moments that think the life mile much have you to keep company with....But, you aren’t at....

Want to tell you I still love you very much much....But, you aren’t at.....’

However..I know..

If..You aren’t am nearby at me..You but still in my heart

I am also in your heart....




寶貝‘ 嵐噎× 2007-03-07 15:42:17

妳來 我在翻譯給妳!

嗶嗶咻蹦*___[琪]&#98 2007-03-05 15:31:05

摁 ..
也許 我的英文程度不夠資深芭

說真的 看懂的 沒多少耶= =
而且 有些看不懂 = =
