2019-01-03 06:07:10drpzzzh51rjh

【團購人氣商品】Avent Philips Natural Starter Set 送禮首選


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AVENT Philips Natural Starter Set

The Philips Avent Naturals Starter Set helps you ease your little one's start to a new life by supplying you with all essential products you need for sterilising, expressing milk and feeding your little one.

This comprehensive set contains:

  • 1 x 3 in 1 steriliser,

  • 1 x comfort manual breast pump,

  • 2 x natural baby bottles 260ml,

  • 2 x natural baby bottles 125ml,

  • 2 x natural teats,

  • 3 x classic silicone soothers,

  • 1 x milk storage sealing cap

  • 1 x pliers

  • 4 x breast pads (2 x day breast pads, 2 x night breast pads)

  • 1 x bottle and teat brush
暢銷排行 2018流行產品

The soft and flexible petals inside the teat contribute to natural drinking just like on mom's breast. Furthermore, the softness and flexibility of the teat prevent the teat from collapsing. The innovative twin valve reduces colic and discomfort by preventing the air from getting into baby's tummy. Combining breast and bottle feeding is thus made particularly easy for your child.

The unique design of this manual breast pump allows you to sit straight up in a comfortable pumping position. The milk flows directly from your breast into the bottle while the comfortable sitting position contributes to a natural and easy milk flow. The silky-soft texture of the massage cushion feels particularly warm on your skin and thus additionally stimulates the milk flow in a gentle way.

The 3 in 1 steriliser sterilises bottles with both a small and wide neck as well as various breast pumps and accessories. This way, you can choose the baby bottles and accessories that go best with you and your child. The steriliser is designed to fit up to six Philips Avent baby bottles with a content of 330ml each. The steriliser's size can be adjusted according to the number and size of the items that need to be sterilised. The 3 in 1 function provides:

  • Small size for sterilising soothers

  • Medium size for sterilising breast pumps as well as plates, knives and forks for infants

  • Large size for sterilising up to six baby bottles

The natural steam sterilisation kills up to 99,9% of all harmful germs and thus protects your little one against particularly harmful bacteria until his immune system is strong enough. The steriliser is not only pretty quick and efficient but also works without any chemicals. The contents remain sterile for up to 24 hours if unopened.


  • Comprehensive set for new moms and their new-born babies

  • Breast-like teat for natural drinking

  • Breast pump with unique design for relaxed pumping (no leaning forwards, comfortable sitting position)

  • Soft massage cushion for gently stimulating the milk flow

  • Adjustable steriliser with 3 in 1 function for sterilising baby bottles. Breast pumps and accessories - natural steam sterilisation without chemicals

  • Material of baby bottles: polypropylene, free from BPA

  • Material of breast pump: polypropylene, free from BPA (only those parts that come in contact with food)

  • Material of teat and soothers: silicone, free from BPA

  • Voltage: 220 V




Avent Philips Natural Starter Set





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Avent Philips Natural Starter Set

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