2003-06-11 17:53:23Kryzsdoff

A letter from Who's Who.

Dear Kryzsdoff:

Several weeks ago we sent you notice that you have been selected as a candidate for the coming edition of International Who's Who of Professionals. However, we have not received your biographical data form and our publishing deadline is nearing.

International Who's Who of Professionals is the definitive worldwide directory of professionals. It is published by the Who's Who Historical Society, which has been recognizing significant achievers in business, education, public service, and technology since 1928.

It is an honor to be proposed for admission to Who's Who and there is no fee associated with your listing.

Our Membership Selection Committee will review your information and notify you if you have been selected for the coming edition of Who's Who.

If selected, you will also have an opportunity to join the Who's Who Historical Society and become part of a powerful global network of professionals who help advance each others' personal and professional interests daily.

Our editorial deadline is quickly approaching. I urge you to act today. If you delay, I cannot guarantee the committee will have ample time to review your submission.


Terrence J. Leifheit
Executive Director