2008-03-31 10:03:43Deky

i hate myself

do you ever feel this way

she my wife ... n no matter wut she done to me
ill be fine n ill forgive her for everything
just for her happiness
probablly last century she is my wife somehow
just hv that feeling so strong in me

i don’t know how to explain
she says she can’t hv feeling on ppl now
but i want to tell her
it’s been weird that
my tendercy is there still be wif her

i don’t want to be a great ppl
cuz im not
but but....somehow just duno y
she calls me back so easily
i duno how she does it
but just like
no matter no matter
wut happen to me
she is the one who can always always calls me back

the heart my heart
has been somehow stranger to me
i don’t think i know myself so well now

yes ... this is wut i always deny
i always deny to my thought

when "I still love her" comes out from my heart, i deny
when "I need her care" comes out, i deny
when everything about her i deny
i deny everything all about her
cuz i knew that she doesn’t care anymore

all these BS just for all my own stupidness
Deky 2008-03-31 10:57:25

just find out that
u r the one who denys me....
n that is y i deny myself