2003-10-14 18:53:34胖村

Die heart

Four years passed by, I still stayed at the same time and space. Those unforgettable period of time we had been in love. The truth is that we’ve broken up for 2 years. Are people saying one has to take half of the period of relationship before really getting over it? And I almost spend double time to realize.

Recently, I keep reaching my ex, but she never called me back. No matter how hard I’ve tried, no matter what I’ve done, my expectation always failed again and again. I couldn’t help but wine: ”How come she has been so mean to me?” ”All the intimacy between us, she really forgot them all?”

After 3 days connection failure, either through e-mail or message or mobile phone, the truth is I CAN’T reach her. My head is spinning with uncertainty and sort of humiliation. Suddenly, everything has become so clearly. She doesn’t want me to disturb her life anymore. I just want to be her friend, but she really pushes me far far away.

A little voice inside me arises, saying -- Don’t be crush for this COLD girl at all. Don’t dream of those old good days anymore. You need to chase after someone or something that are truly worthy. Go get a new life.

darry 2003/9/23

