2005-11-20 11:56:04大口吸大口呼


圖為TONY CHAU and I 在尼加拉瓜大瀑布前

<真心的朋友> 主要是寫我珍惜的朋友們 我想把這些對我重要的人紀錄下來

我有一個朋友叫Tony Chau
他的臉龐很俊 有稜有角 直挺的鼻樑
他只有174公分 可是身材很壯 有寬厚的肩膀
從任何角度來看 他都是個好看的男人
.... 如果不看他的髮型的話

他認識的的每一個人 大概百分之九十九點三六都覺得他的髮型可以好好改進
而他熟識的每一個人 都曾經在這方面勸過他 或試圖改變他
不需要經過打扮就那麼好看的一個男人 沒事幹麻頂著一個越南幫派小嘍囉的髮型

阿離題了 不是要討論髮型來的
是他在我縱情聲色的時候陪著我出入各種場合 不讓我出事
是他在我情緒崩潰無理取鬧的時候 耐心安慰 讓我恢復過每一天的力氣
是他在我墮落想要放棄所有的時候盯著我照顧我 讓我生活不脫離正軌

那一年過去之後 我變回以前的我 只是多了些故事和領悟
這幾年來 深厚的友誼持續成長
單身的時候 我甚至跟他說 有一天 我交了男朋友 但是如果TONY覺得那個男生不好 我就會因為TONY不贊成而放棄那個男生

因為我深信 TONY跟我說的任何事 都是為了我好
有些事情即使我當下會有些許埋怨 但事實都證明 後來TONY是對的
這是一種很安心的感覺 我知道這個人永遠都不會遺棄我 不管別人說什麼
我知道這個人永遠都會幫我照顧我 有時甚至在我自己都還不自覺時 就幫我擋起一層防護罩

我可以在他面前做自己 戴眼鏡亂頭髮穿的像老媽子 隨便跑去他家要東西吃
在我醉到掛點 又臭又瘋的時候 他會撇下玩了一半的趴踢和朋友 很有耐心的把我扛回家 確定我舒服了不再難受了 情緒穩定了 才在我的沙發上睡著或是才回家

他不介意別人怎麼看我們 就算說出了一些防衛性的話 也是為了我著想
在一次一起過夜後 我小小埋怨他幹麻跟別人否認的那麼急切 沒什麼就是沒什麼 講的雲淡風輕就好 他們再不相信是他們的事 更何況事久見真章呀
他才慢慢的解釋說 他是男生無所謂 有時候這樣的事對男生來說甚至是虛榮 但是他不希望別人誤會我
當下我就懂了 從此之後我也絕不再懷疑他對我的友情

昨天晚上去跳舞的地方瘋 不知道為什麼
陌生的男子接連過來黏我跟我朋友 擺脫一個又一個
TONY遇到他高中同學 剛好不在附近
手很不規矩的陌生男子四號拿了一杯飲料過來給我 塑膠杯裡漂浮著冰塊 要下藥很容易
我只遲疑了一下下 我就仰頭 一乾而盡 沒有人可以把我帶走或是讓我吃虧

後來我跟我朋友終於甩開他們 到窗戶旁邊
TONY 聞訊過來很不爽 一直問說 那個男的在哪裡 一副要去興師問罪的樣子
我一邊跟他說算了我沒事 一邊心裡看著他認真的樣子覺得很感動
這樣子就夠了 朋友也就是這樣子了 沒有人可以做的比他更好

有一次我問 如果有一天他交了女朋友 會不會對我們的關係帶來什麼樣的影響或是改變
他說 也許在她面前我們不能像平常一般的親密

會希望我們以後的距離不遠 讓我們隨時都可以叨擾對方 繼續一起創造美好回憶

到東部來唸大學讓我得到了很多 而認識TONY卻是我最棒的收穫之一

他是我稀少的 可以誠實的說是 我一生珍惜的朋友

(以下為英文版本 主要是給我們tony同學 因為我們tony同學看不懂中文
如果你在看這一行的話那就代表你看的懂中文 以下就可以直接跳過了)

okay, to whoever thats reading this, I have to say that this is not the true level of my English. I know this looks like elementary English, but thats because it doesnt flow when I translate it in plain english. Ohhwell, all that matters is you get the idea. I love you toekee! :D


I have a friend named Tony Chau.
I sometimes call him "handsome" when i pick up his call. He has nice features, not to mention he has an almost perfect nose. He’s 174cm tall and fit. He also has a wide shoulder which i love to lean on. From every angle, he’s one good looking man indeed.

Tony is one truly important perosn in my life. He has been to clubs to protect me from nasty guys, and he has given me amazing comforting power at times when i want to give up.

I always tell people that Tony is my best guy friend. Ever since we knew each other, our friendship hasnt stopped growing. When I was single, i told tony what happens when one day I meet someone. If tony doesnt approve of him, I would give up getting together with that guy just coz Tony says so. I believe whatever Tony tells me is for the better of me. Sometimes even if I dont appreciate it at the time, I always realize that I do appreciate it afterwards. Tony is always right. Tony provides me this comforting feeling, that no matter what, he’s there and he would never go away. He’s always there to look out for me, sometimes he does it without me realizing it.

I can totally be myself in front of him. Wear glasses, have a bad hair day, go over and ask for food.. u name it. When I pass out from drinking, I tend to become stinky and too wild to control. Tony would leave the party with me, make sure im home safe, comfortable, and also make sure that i stop being an ass.

He’s selfless. Everything he does or says is almost always for other ppl. One time i spent the night at his place. Then afterwards i asked him why he had to deny it so desperately that REALLY nothing has happened. Was he ashamed of me or scared of the rumors or something? Then he told me that hes a guy, and it doesnt matter what ppl think of him. He was more concerned for me, since it’s known that it isnt good for a girl to just spend the night at some guy’s place. Since that moment on, I never question what he does. He is a true friend. He has all my support and trust.

Last night a large group of us went to atlantis. Tony met up with his high school friends there and wasnt nearby. Mai and I were harassed by some guys. The guys just didnt get the idea that we werent interested. When one of the guys handed me this drink, I remembered hearing stories about how drugged drinks are common at chinese place. However, I hesitated for two seconds only then drank the damn thing. Why?
Coz I know Tony is here and no one can take me away or take advantage of me.

When Tony came by later and heard about this guy. He became so serious and asked, "Yo, where is this guy?" I told him its okay, nothing happened. At the time, I was looking at him and feeling so touched. This is already enough. No one can be a better friend than Tony.

One time I asked Tony what kinda changes would it bring to our friendship if one day he has a girlfriend? He told me that maybe in front of her, we shouldnt act so close like how we usually are, but she has to understand this friendship of ours. This is one major thing I would not forget and remain to feel touched whenever i think of it.

I selfishly wish that we can be like how we are for forever and never change. But at the same time, majority of my heart would want him to find his dream woman, because seeing him happy would make me happier than ever.
I also secretly hope that we won’t be far from each other in the future so we can "bother" each other whenever we want. But i know better than anyone else, that I will be the one leaving this city.

I gained so much by deciding to come over here for university.
meeting Tony Chau, is one of the most wonderful things that could ever happen to me!

I cannot be more grateful.