2005-06-13 09:01:15能醫不自醫白勺社工

2nd day training

Jun 11

I m typing blog again, that means tat I m super boring again. E training was so time wasting, not cos of e content, but cos they were meaninglessly lengthened. I just felt tat I was eating all e time, n then attend an hour training, n then another 2 hrs free time. Being trapped in tis internetless, friendless, woodness place, I really dunno wt else I could do besides sleeping/ typing blog. Ai?. dunno when I can post my blogs/ hv more fun.

Today I did sthg I never did b4 in my life. All of us had to get into e water n helped building e docks. Shit, it was like 10C, I was shivering already even b4 I got into e water. But everyone had to go, I couldn急 say no rite. Anyway, thou e water was super cold, I m glad I could make it. I was shivering v. bad in e water, but at least I didn急 feel cold fm inside my body, that was just my physical response fortunately. After building e docks, we went to hv sona (?), it was also e first time ever I did this too. It was fun, haha, esp. after soaking myself in e icy water for an hr, its really nice to steam myself for half an hr to restore my body temperature, haha^^. Anyway, I really got dizzy when I stepped out fm e sonna room, luckily底子好 so I didn急 faint on e woods, haha!

E afternoon we were supposed to hv lifeguard training. However, I surrendered myself cos I really noe my weakness, swimming is sthg I do v. bad in my whole life. I dun c any pts doing it when I m clear tat both my skills n my strength is so bad, esp. comparing w/ e Americans. Luckily there were other 2 staff accompanied me, so 3 out of e 20+ staff dun hv lifeguard license, good enough. Haha^^. Today I also learnt communication w/ parents n kids, n also played many outdoor games, good for my SW major, hehe!!

P.S. although it seemed tat I did many things today, half of e time I was so moliu n doing nthg, ai, dunno when will I really enjoy every hr of my days. >.<

P.S. sometimes I think its not v. gd tat I always shut myself down n being autistic, but at one pt I m clear tat I really dun like e American culture n I dun wanna force myself doing sthg I dun like. A few staff were being nice to me, I appreciate it but I also couldn急 help cos there were already not much new topics left for communication. Moreover, I really hate e majority who just noe about sex, foul language, smoking, n flirting ard, even e 2nd senior staff is like tat. 上?#33391;?#19981;正下?#33391;?#27498; is wt I hv in my mind all e time here!