2008-10-21 00:07:35SiuSum

a lesson

location: HK

That’s a very treasurable experience for me.
I’m very happy the senior instructors appraise very high for me...
Thank you so much...

In every great moment, i really want to share with my joyful heart, but finally I helplessly realize that there is nobody who I can share. (well...actually, it’s a very small matter from other's view.)
哈哈...it's the time for me to think abt....

Owlie 2008-10-22 15:05:05

好有師姐feel呀! hahaha....
Miss Lam, 我有衝動sit in your class ar! keke...

Car 2008-10-22 00:57:24

Hey, I am always here awaiting for your share :) Give me a call anytime, my mobile is always on.....

You look professional in the photo, heehee....I like 你這個造型! :)