2006-01-28 02:00:59阿寶

Another day, another page

The second Thai trip was much better than the previous one. Luxury, no pressure. Sleep whenever I want.

Now, I have a lot of things pending to do. My job, my personal bills to be settled, gatherings and other personal stuff. Hopefully, I can finish organizing them within chinese new year. Really want to watch movies this chinese new year...ai...

Thanks to have dinner with me tonite and went to New Year Fair. I feel much more happy now.. lalala

Another matter, about a friend. Just want to clarify that he can be my friend 4ever and not more than that. I hope that he understand that more clear and be ethical. Stop leaking others’ secret and be a good listener are the ways to keep a friendship. If you want to continue this friendship, please kindly follow the rule.