2006-01-07 23:47:09阿寶

Tight schedule...

I have done so many things today...
1. haircut
2. prepared my suprise to sister
3. go to MK to buy a cheap MP3 (below 300) while my rich friend bought a ear phone for HKD 1700.. which made me feel so embarrassed. And good to hear that he does not need to go to Singapore.. this kind of boring city~
4. tea with my dear best friend... same topic again and again.. and suprised that he really buy that string...
5. tested my cheap mp3..looks fine

Tomorrow... another busy day
Memorize all the slides to Bangkok and prepare some script

need to go backto the office at8am on Monday...just to make sure my secretary get everything done beforeI leave. God, she didnt give me the eticket yet..

p.s. Met two old friends on the street.. Terry and Anson. They were v nice that walked back to Starbuck to see if it is really me..