2007-05-21 16:46:37Claudia







收件截止日期在美西時間(PDT)5月23日晚間12點。合乎資格者將隨後收到個別通知,請附上完整之連絡資訊。5月 24日下午舉辦現場甄試,拍攝及甄試地點將在洛杉磯,參與徵選者請注意地點並保留上述日期。

We are looking for a young boy and girl for Leehom’s new music video, to be shot in LA on the weekend of May 26. The boy will portray a 9-year-old Leehom, and must play the violin. The girl should be around the age of 7. Besides the 2 children’s roles, we also need 20 adult extras, aged 16-30.

If you or someone you know is interested in either of these roles, please submit four photographs of the applicant from various angles to wangleehom.com@gmail.com. Those applying for the role of Leehom should also include a short video demonstrating their violin abilities.

All applicants must be available to attend auditions on the evening of May 24. Selected candidates will be notified shortly after the submission deadline of 11:59 p.m. on May 23, PDT. Be sure to include all necessary contact information with your submission.