2004-10-31 10:51:57Claudia

Lee Hom speaks in harsh tones on low-class criticism

POP STOP(excerpt)

Compiled by Max Woodworth
Friday, Oct 15, 2004,Page 14


And speaking of blowing wind, Lee Hom Wong (王力宏) spoke in rare harsh tones to the media this week for reporting on criticisms of a song he produced for A-mei’s (阿妹) new album that described the track as sounding like a person on the toilet grunting and groaning. Lee Hom said he wanted artists to be respected and for media to avoid "low-class" criticisms that demean the artists and their producers.


Now listen to me. My songs don’t sound like groaning.

*For the complete report, please visit http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2004/10/15/2003207009