2004-03-30 20:43:07秘密


詞/曲:Chris De Burgh

(中譯):此刻 我人在火車站 正等著那班能帶我前往邊界
會見愛人的列車 一些準備上車的士兵從身邊走過
我心有不忍的目送他們離去 火車快速的穿過故鄉的田園
我以淚眼模糊 車近邊界 心中默背著已準備好的謊言
而在清晨薄雨之中 我遠遠的見到了他 心裡似乎恍惚的感覺到
這又將是二次痛苦的別離 啊........多麼令人心碎啊
我已經知道我該怎麼做 一面聽著祖國的召喚 一面心想著和你共相廝守
我已選擇了我的立場 我倆之間必有一人將會遺憾 但是
別放棄 我要知道 你會等我的 等著我直到那一天 那
世界不會再有邊界的一天 啊........沒有邊界的世界 走過守衛邊界的士兵
伸出握他的手 臉上不敢有一絲表情 心裡卻想著如何飛奔過去
但是 想想這些都還是個孩子的士兵啊 一旦離開 我將永遠不會得知
人如何能從戰爭中洞悉智慧 啊........多麼令人心碎啊
我已經知道我該怎麼做 一面聽著祖國的召喚 一面心想著和你共相廝守
我已選擇了我的立場 我倆之間必有一人將會遺憾 但是
別放棄 我要知道 你會等我的 等著我直到那一天 那
世界不會再有邊界的一天 啊........沒有邊界的世界


I'm standing in the station
I'm waiting for a train
to take me to the border
and my loved one far away
I watched a bunch of soldiers heading for the war
I could hardly even bear to see them go

rolling through the countryside
tears are in my eyes
we're coming to the borderline
I'm ready with my lies
and in the early morning rain
I see him there
and I know I'll have to say goodbye again

and it's breaking my heart
I know what I must do
I hear my country call me
but I want to be with you
I'm taking my side
one of us will lose
don't let go, I want to know
that you will wait for me untill the day
there's no borderline
no borderline

walking past the border guards
reaching for his hand
showing no emotion
I want to break into a run
but these are only boys
and I will never know
how men can see the wisdom in a war

and it's breaking my heart
I know what I must do
I hear my country call me
but I want to be with you
I'm taking my side
one of us will lose
don't let go, I want to know
that you will wait for me untill the day
there's no borderline
no borderline, no borderline, no borderline.......