2018-11-15 13:45:49alleylz


Should I start out by apologizing or explaining why it’s been oh, forever, since I was last here? We can skip all that right? You’ve been busy, I’ve been busy. It’s all good. Let’s just get to the good stuff, shall we Service apartment?
And, by good stuff, I mean delicious things with eggs on them. Yep, as of this past Tuesday, my new book Put an Egg on It is hitting bookstore shelves (and of course is on Amazon). Can I tell you how much I love this book? Not once while developing the recipes did I think “man, am I sick of eggs.” Nope, if anything, this book made me love eggs even more, and if you’ve ever eaten out with me, you’d know that is hard to do. Here are a few of the outtakes Wall mounted type air conditioner:
The only problem with this book? I kept wanting to add to it. I just keep thinking of more and more things to put eggs on, wishing that I had included them in the book master of biomedical engineering hong kong.
One of those thoughts was this one: Breakfast on a Baked Potato. How did I miss putting an egg on a baked potato?? It haunts me. That goodness for blogs.