2008-07-02 20:32:06YV

潛水客熱情推薦電影 Drumline (鑼鼓喧天)

聽說這幾天電視一直播,連 Peter 也推薦。家裏沒電視的人看看優電視也不錯了。



下一篇:Papa Puzzle

呵呵!! 2008-07-02 22:26:49

You know me so well~~

No, I don`t regret. I save so much time to read something more fun. And I don`t have to pour on myself with negative energy simply because I have to listen to those morons and imbeciles talk about our country`s &quotimportant&quot affairs.

scuba-diver 2008-07-02 21:23:03

That`s the one, baby!